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50 before 50

Written by Femmebassador MaryJane Rose
The fall (my off-season) is my favorite time of year- it’s a time of reflection, family time, catching up with friends, researching races/events and planning for the upcoming season. What events would I add to my bucket list? Which events would I check off my ever-growing bucket list? Laugh if you will, but my best friend and I have a system: we schedule a happy hour, bring our calendars, a computer and start planning for the upcoming season. There may be a couple of drafts before the list is complete then voila, a tentative race schedule is planned for the upcoming season.
This year was different. I had come back from an incredible trip in the Colorado mountains that included six days of running at elevation and 20,000 feet of climbing. The scenery was stunning and sharing the experience of running through the Colorado Mountains along the Continental Divide with friends was priceless.  
There were so many things we all wanted to do upon our return, we had this amazing base and it just made sense to get one more good run in. I started thinking about one of my bucket list items; 50 before 50. Running 50 miles before the age of 50 has been a goal of mine for some time. I’m not even sure how the idea made it into the bucket list, but those things happen once you take on a sport like triathlon and continue looking for ways to challenge yourself. I wondered, was now the time? Should I wait? Then it happened . . . I SIGNED UP FOR A 50 MILE RACE!!!!
After the reality of what I had done set in the planning started. Nutrition, support and what to wear – yes, the important part. What will I wear come race day that will keep me comfortable for the duration of my 50-mile run. The weather called for a beautiful day with temps in the 70’s which meant I would be pulling out my favorite DeSoto item, my Skin Cooler Cool Wings! The Cool Wings have served me well this past season and it was the perfect way to finish off the season and what I hoped would be another item checked off the bucket list.
The support of family and friends is invaluable when take on big events. Knowing they are supporting you, sending you well wishes, and cheering you on can give you that extra boost of energy when you need it. I have been blessed beyond measure! My best friend came out at the start of the race and cheered for me all day as only she could – in costume – 8 costumes in total, one for each loop!
My trail sister also signed up for her first 50 miler and we ran the first couple loops together, talking about everything and sometimes about nothing. Another friend came out to the race later in the morning, she was absolutely glowing, and her smile infectious. This run was for her, in her honor. Talk about strength, here is a woman battling breast cancer and she was going to join the rest of us on the course for one loop. Her strength and perseverance was truly inspiring!
My husband and daughter arrived on the course early afternoon, they always lift my spirits. Then the most precious part of my day, my daughter running the final two loops with me.
It wasn’t easy, about 80% of the course was on road or blacktop/hard surface trail. My baby girl did such a wonderful job of keeping me on track and encouraging me. I am so grateful she was a part of helping me achieve this goal. I can now check this off the bucket list, 50 before 50 is complete!
Now that the season is “OFFICIALLY” over, it’s time for some fun events with my daughter and friends. My daughter wants to attempt her first half marathon and she has her own bucket list she’s been adding to.
A few things I’ve learned this past season:
1) The support of family is invaluable
2) Events/runcations with friends are the best
3) DeSoto’s Skin Cooler Technology is AMAZING and I’m not sure how I survived without it before
4) I love my DeSoto Wings and won’t leave home without them
5) It’s amazing what the human body can do
What things will you add to your bucket list or what will you check off next season? 😊
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