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34 reviews

Normaler Preis €197,95


Size chart


Büste Taille Hüften
XS 31"- 33"in / <79 - 84 cm 56–61 cm 76–84 cm
Klein 86–91 cm 65–69 cm 86–89 cm
Mittel 94–99 cm 70–77 cm 91–97 cm
Groß 101–107 cm 79–84 cm 99–104 cm
XL 107–112 cm 86–91 cm 107–112 cm
XX-Groß 44"+ Zoll / 112 cm + 92–97 cm 112–117 cm

Die obige Größentabelle soll als allgemeine Orientierung dienen. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Bestimmung der richtigen Größe benötigen, senden Sie bitte die folgenden Informationen an contact@desotosport.com .

BÜSTE – Der vollste Teil der Brust, gemessen als der größte Teil des Umfangs direkt über dem Brustmuskel.
TAILLE – Umfang gemessen an der Bauchnabellinie – dies ist NICHT dasselbe wie der Taillenumfang Ihrer Hose.
HÜFTEN – Umfang gemessen an der breitesten Stelle, NICHT an Ihren Hüften, wo Ihr Gürtel hingehen könnte. Typischerweise misst dieser nur wenige Zentimeter unterhalb Ihrer Hüftknochen und um den größten Teil der Gesäßmuskulatur herum.

Wenn Sie kein Maßband haben und etwas zum Messen benötigen, verwenden Sie einen Gürtel oder ein Smartphone-Netzkabel und ein Lineal.
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Unsere neu gestaltete Femme 400-Mile-Short bietet ultimativen Komfort im Sattel. Wir haben die Polsterdicke von 6 mm auf 14 mm erhöht und dabei die gleichen großartigen Funktionen beibehalten, die Sie am Vorgängermodell geliebt haben.

Größe: Bitte beachten Sie die Größentabelle Klicken Sie oben auf die Schaltfläche, um eine Anleitung zur Größenbestimmung zu erhalten.
Passform: figurbetont
Hinweis zur Passform: Bitte gehen Sie nicht davon aus, dass Ihre Größe die gleiche ist wie in den Vorjahren. Bitte verwenden Sie unsere Größentabelle und senden Sie uns im Zweifelsfall eine E-Mail an: femme@desotosport.com. Fahrradshorts sollen eng anliegen und direkt auf der Haut liegen. Dadurch soll mögliches Scheuern vermieden werden. Wenn Ihnen diese Passform nicht gefällt und Sie zwischen zwei Größen liegen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, eine Nummer größer zu wählen. Das Kleidungsstück sitzt beim ersten Anziehen am besten und lockert sich leicht, sobald es nass ist.

Neue Eigenschaften:

  • Das aktualisierte Femme 400-Mile Pad ist jetzt 14 mm dick und bietet geschmeidigen Komfort im Sattel. Das Pad ist weiterhin antimikrobiell, feuchtigkeitstransportierend und schnell trocknend. Es passt sich Ihrem Körper mit 4-Wege-Stretch an und die Nähte sind strategisch von Kontaktpunkten entfernt platziert, um die Gefahr von Scheuerstellen zu reduzieren.
    • Wir haben das Polster in die Shorts eingenäht und nicht oben auf der Shorts. Dadurch kann sich das Polster stärker dehnen und schweben; Das bedeutet, dass es als Wettkampfteil bei einem Triathlon verwendet werden kann. Auf dem Fahrrad dehnt sich das Polster mit der Hose aus und folgt den Bewegungen Ihrer Haut bei jedem Pedaltritt, wodurch Reibung vermieden wird, die Reizungen oder Hautausschläge verursachen kann.
  • Breitband-Elastik umschließt die Rückseite, um die Hose oben zu halten, und auf der Vorderseite befindet sich weiches, nicht elastisches Material für vollständigen Komfort in der Fahrposition = 2/3-Komfortbund eliminiert Druck auf den Magen-Darm-Trakt
    • Bitte sehen Sie sich das Bild links an – das Gummiband wurde einen Zentimeter zur Mitte hin verlängert, sodass es nicht den Hüftknochen berührt. Wir haben einen Kordelzug hinzugefügt, um die Anpassung zu ermöglichen, aber wenn Sie die Shorts ohne bevorzugen, können Sie sie leicht abnehmen. Hinweis – Wenn Ihnen der Kordelzug gefällt, empfehlen wir, ihn vor dem Waschen zu verknoten.

Funktionen und Vorteile:

  • Das Mobius™ Comfort Compression- Gewebe bietet unterstützende Kompression ohne „Squeeze“ und sorgt so für ein sehr schmeichelhaftes Erscheinungsbild
  • Sie haben gefragt, wir haben geantwortet! - Wir haben das hydrophobe Liftfoil™ -Gewebe strategisch platziert, um eine lange Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten
  • Zwei Beintaschen zur sicheren Aufbewahrung von Reitutensilien mit einfachem und schnellem Zugriff
  • Mittlere Gesäßtasche zur Aufbewahrung größerer Gegenstände wie einem iPhone
  • Microlock™ -Kontrastnähte sorgen für ein ausdrucksstarkes Erscheinungsbild und bieten gleichzeitig eine hohe Haltbarkeit
  • Entworfen und kreiert von Frauen.
  • Hergestellt in den USA.
  • Die Größen XL und XXL qualifizieren sich für unsere Biggest Winner- Aktion. Kaufen Sie diesen Artikel zum vollen Preis. Wenn Sie innerhalb von 2 Jahren eine kleinere Größe benötigen, gewähren wir Ihnen 50 % Rabatt auf eine kleinere Größe. Lesen Sie hier mehr – Größter Gewinner


  • XS: 7" (17,75 cm)
  • Klein: 7,5" (19 cm)
  • Mittel: 8" (20,25 cm)
  • Groß: 8,5" (21,5 cm)
  • XL: 9" (22,75 cm)
  • 2X-Groß: 9,5" (24,13 cm)


  • XS: 13,5 Zoll (34,29 cm)
  • Klein: 14,5" (36,83 cm)
  • Mittel: 15,5" (39,37 cm)
  • Groß: 16,5" (41,91 cm)
  • XL: 17,5" (45,09 cm)
  • 2X-Groß: 18,5" (46,99 cm)

Vorderer Anstieg (Messung vom mittleren Polster bis zur Oberkante des Hosenbunds):

  • XSmall: 9,75
  • Klein: 10,25
  • Mittel: 10,75
  • Groß: 11,25
  • XL: 11,75
  • 2X-Groß: 12,25

Hinterer Anstieg (Messung vom Mittelpolster bis zur Rückseite des Hosenbunds):

  • XS: 13
  • Klein: 13,5
  • Mittel: 14
  • Groß: 14,5
  • XL: 15
  • 2X-Groß: 15,5


Product Reviews

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  • Vicki Roe
    4 months ago


    Great shorts. I ordered a pair of mediums , 5’1 140lbs , the top quad section was super tight. Rest felt good. I am a thick legged girl. I decided to order a large for zone 2 rides and more comfortable. The top of quads are still super tight while the rest is loose. Great shorts but not quite the fit I need. I will use them as the padding is great

  • Diane McIntyre
    1 year ago

    Very comfortable

    Rode 50+ miles for 5 days straight. Very comfortable around the legs and good support. Highly recommend.

  • Terri Contaxis
    1 year ago

    400 miles cycling short

    I have the original 400 cycling short that also works as a tri short. The thicker pad in the new short does not seem suitable for tri training. They are good as a cycling short only.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Just right

    The shorts is great and material looks durable but may not be as breathable as needed for warm temp. I noticed that the outer cloth of the pad creases which sometimes gets snagged on the saddle during ride and may not be ok to look visurally.

  • Caroline Proulx-Lafrance
    2 years ago

    My absolute fav!

    These are spectacular! The padding is super comfortable without being bulky, the fabric is soft and flattering, absolutely love these

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Best biking shorts for all

    They are great ! This is my 2nd pair , the first ones lasted about 10 years are still useable . These are good especially if you are sitting on a road bike seat but I also wear them for casual riding as they seating material is so comfortable and streamlined .They are easy to wash and air dry quickly, Great compression without being tight - good length not too short

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    comfortable and flattering

    I have been having some serious skin irritation problems from bicycling. These shorts do not chafe at all even on the longer rides. The amount of compression feels just right and I think I look pretty good in them! Great!

  • My third pair of 400-mile Shorts are as great as my first!
    Jeanne Bauer J. B. Jeanne B.
    3 years ago

    My third pair of 400-mile Shorts are as great as my first!

    I will never buy another brand of bike shorts. Each pair I've owned has lasted me for a few years, a dozen triathlons, and thousands of miles in the saddle. The fit and pad are perfect. My iPhone 6S fits perfectly (and stays put) in the thigh-side pocket. Try them - you won't be disappointed!

  • Laura Phillips
    4 years ago

    Love these shorts

    Thank you for making these shorts, I absolutely love them. I have had previous styles of this short but (by far) this one is my favorite. The pad is thicker than previous shorts but you get used to the difference right away. DeSoto knows how to make great products and these shorts are one of their bests.

  • Tracie L.
    4 years ago

    My Go-To Cycling Shorts

    I have been wearing these shorts for a few months now and they are terrific. They fit comfortably and have excellent compression throughout, but they are not too tight around my thighs. The chamois offers just the right amount of padding for longer rides without feeling bulky when off my bike. I had been wearing cycling shorts from other manufacturers and experienced nerve pain in my hip on long rides, which I attributed to bike fit issues. However, the pain is nonexistent when I ride with my 400-mile shorts. Thank you De Soto Sport!

  • Kristen Olson
    4 years ago

    Top Notch Customer Service!

    I initially bought 2 pairs of shorts, but had an issue with one of them that was my fault and not due to the design or material of the shorts. I reached out to De Soto, and Tracy De Soto herself explained why the issue happened and what I could do to fix it. She sent me a brand-new pair of replacement shorts despite the fact that the problem was me and not the shorts! De Soto has earned a customer for life!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Okay, but not as good as the previous version

    They fit well and I like the fact that they don’t have a silicon gripper on the thigh, but it seems like the pad is thicker and as such the seams are a little higher and rub where they meet the saddle. They are fine for a shorter ride but not as comfortable as my previous pair.

  • Lynn Harburn
    4 years ago

    I have worn my 400 shorts twice and both times have resulted in blisters. I ordered size medium and apparently needed small even though the medium measurements are my body size. The shorts would be awesome if the sizing chart had been accurate.

  • Renata Hobbs R. H. Renata H.
    4 years ago

    Best cycling short ever

    I purchased the 400 mile cycling short and have used them on multiple rides. These are truly the most comfortable shorts I have ever owned. I purchased my first pair a few months ago. I purchased my second pair recently because I cycle a lot and absolutely love how they feel before, during and after a ride. I have recommended these shorts to friends who also concur with how comfortable they are. I was skeptical with reviews of the product at first but now I join the accolades. You won't be disappointed with this purchase!

  • joanne ludwig
    4 years ago

    Women's 400-mile Cycling short

    I love these shorts. They are actually the first pair of cycling shorts I have ever purchased. Until now I have always worn Tri shorts, even for my full coarse Ironman. I felt that bike shorts would be bulky and uncomfortable. However, this pair has proved me wrong. I love all the products I purchase from De Soto. The comfort and quality are amazing and the customer service is great!

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Amazing Shorts!

    I'm training for my first Ironman and these shorts have been instrumental as I've increased my time on the bike. They're comfortable, fit well, and have great pockets. Thank you for making them!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Excellent bike shorts

    The 400 mile bike shorts are the only shorts I use on my long triathlon training and race rides. The new sizes are clearly marked, so I sized down and have a great fit!

  • Fantastic shorts!
    Jenny Ho
    5 years ago

    Fantastic shorts!

    I have the previous version of these shorts, and was a little concerned about the thicker padding. Did a couple of rides in them and they felt very comfy. Wound up using them for Ironman, for both the bike and the run. No issues, no chafing, no problems! Love them!

  • Stefanie O. S. O. Stefanie O.
    5 years ago

    A short that is helping solve problems

    A Facebook group was asking: what are the best bike shorts and desotos name came up enough that I thought I'd try them! Man, they are comfy! Less saddle issues and a happier me while on the bike. I wish I had found them during my IM training but better late than never with these! So happy with my purchase

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    400 mile high cycling shorts

    These are the best cycling shorts by far. In this case you pay for what you get and my nether regions are worth every cent that these shorts cost. Size fit excellent. I’m 5’5” 148 lb and a large fit nicely.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    5 years ago

    400 mile shorts

    The shorts are comfortable for long rides. They’re the most comfortable of all my bike shorts.

  • Jessica S.
    5 years ago

    400 mile shorts

    I purchased the 400 mile cycling shorts in early July. Love the fit. They are so comfortable for long rides and I have even used them for some of my brick runs with no problem. They are great quality, but have developed a small tear in the seam. I have reached out and customer service has been amazing. Sending them back for repair or replacement. I can't wait to get them back for my next ride. Maybe I will order a 2nd pair so that I have them ready to go?

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Thank you!

    I’ve been purchasing your gear for over 10 years and I’m never disappointed with the quality, fit and customer service.

  • Debbie B.
    5 years ago

    Womens 400 mile cycling short

    I recently replaced my older DeSoto shorts with a new pair of the same type, updated style. They feel good and are comfy. But, after one ride, I noticed several areas of fraying on the side seam of one leg. A little disappointing as my previous pair had held up for years...jury is out how long these are going to last....

  • Denice Swinnen D. S. Denice S.
    5 years ago

    Improvement but not great

    I so wanted to LOVE these shorts but I don't. They are an improvement over last years design but still not where they could be. I wore them today on a 33-mile ride. The first few miles, my right sit bone was on fire just rubbing against the saddle because all that 14mm of padding was so far back it did nothing for my actual sit bones. I kept trying to pull the shorts down or move the padding around but it just didn't work. I just could not get to a position that it felt good. It burned pretty much the whole ride. I've been off the bike 3 hours, and I still feel a burning sensation :( Maybe I'm just built differently? I'm 5'4 and weight 115. I gave a 3 because I do like how the thinner padding wraps around so the creases don't pinch like the old shorts did. I still love the pockets on the legs and the one in the back. And I love how the fabric feels down the leg. It's soft and silky and it stays in place without gripping or being so tight it cuts off circulation, like other brand shorts. I still think this design needs work. It's getting better, but I personally need that padding between those two large pads in the back and the padding through the front. And for those gals that say they like less padding because they don't feel like they have wad between their legs when they walk: These shorts are for riding, not walking.

  • Barbara Coumos
    5 years ago

    Awesome long distance shorts

    These cycling shorts are worth every penny. Fit great, don’t move and provide just enough cushion for my pubic area. I’m training for an Ironman and they’ve been great for the long training rides. This is my second pair. Bought the first one 4 yrs ago and still have them.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    5 years ago

    400 mile cycling short

    Best cycling short with proper padding for long distance riding. Customer service is outstanding.

  • Toni P.
    5 years ago

    Love these shorts!

    This is my second pair of 400 mile shorts. My first pair are bibs, which I used for my Ironman race. I like the practicality of the shirts and LOVE this design! Keep up the great work, DeSoro!

  • Fabio F. F. F. Fabio F.
    5 years ago

    She loved it!

    It was a gift for my girlfriend, and she just loved the overall quality and performance of this cycling short!

  • 400 mile shorts, a comparison to previous versions
    Crystal D.
    5 years ago

    400 mile shorts, a comparison to previous versions

    My first pair of 400 mile shorts were worn until the inner thigh seam rubbed through. They had lightly ribbed fabric and a thin elastic waist. And I liked them. My second pair of 400 mile shorts just never fit as well as the first - they had been redesigned - the fabric was different, the waist was different. They tended to roll down in the front waistband. I just wasn't as big of a fan of the 2nd pair I bought. But I kept wearing them, as they were still my most comfortable shorts to race in. Now the 3rd pair, redesigned again. I can now honestly say the changes are great. At first I thought the pad, now thicker, was going to be an issue. It felt too wide and baggy. I felt like I was wearing a baggy diaper. I was worried I would chafe while running. I wore them on 3 training rides and I have to admit, the waist is better than both the previous models, and the extra padding really did feel better. Still I had my concerns with how they would work on the run. I can tell you, I finally raced in them, and these shorts were absolutely fine. I didn't notice that pad at all. The waist is high enough I don't get that horrible muffin top that so many other tri shorts give. I wear these for training & Adventure Racing. Triathlon shorts are the shorts of choice for adventure racing, however the pockets on most tri shorts are just too small to stash items in. These shorts have 3 perfectly sized pockets. Large enough pockets to hold extra food, compass, punch card, etc. I did size up in these shorts based on the size chart and I think that was a good choice. If you want to see these shorts in photographic action, you can check them out on Instagram @ Midwestgal73

  • The Perfect Ride!
    Kim E. K. E. Kim E.
    6 years ago

    The Perfect Ride!

    Finally someone got it right! The first time I wore the Desoto 400 Mile, I went for two long rides - 80 kilometres in two days. The shorts were perfect and were the one thing I didn't have to worry about it. Everything stayed perfectly in place. The pockets are one of the best features as I could keep my phone in the leg pocket while setting up the bike without any risk of it falling out. The only issue was that the shorts were more generous in size than I expected and I will buy one size smaller next time. Overall, I give it a huge tick of approval!

  • Katie J
    6 years ago

    Cushion for the long haul!

    I was a little hesitant when De Soto revised my favorite bike short. How could they make it any better? I already found it to be the perfect short - great pad, comfort waistband, quick drying, lots of pockets and reflective elements. I wore the updated Femme 400-Mile shorts recently for a century ride with a lot of climbing (around 6k). I had to pace myself and decided to do most of the climbing in the saddle. I never felt the pad or short shift out of place. It provided supple support and kept me cool, dry and comfortable in a very sensitive area. I couldn't imagine doing any long ride without these shorts.

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