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Men's Forza Tri Short 4-Pocket

57 reviews

Normaler Preis $ 170.00


Size chart


Höhe Gewicht Taille Brust Hüften
XS < 5'6" in / <168 cm 61 kg 22–24 Zoll / 56–61 cm < 37 Zoll / < 94 cm
Klein 168–173 cm 66 kg 61–69 cm 94–99 cm < 34 Zoll / < 86 cm
Mittel 175–180 cm 75 kg 69–81 cm 99–107 cm 86–96 cm
Groß 183–188 cm 88 kg 81–89 cm 107–114 cm 96–106 cm
XL 191–196 cm 98 kg 89–104 cm 114–122 cm 106–119 cm
XX-Groß 6'5" in / 197 cm+ 107 kg 42 Zoll + / 105 cm + 49 Zoll + / 123 cm + 48 Zoll + / 121 cm +

Die obige Größentabelle soll als allgemeine Orientierung dienen. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Bestimmung der richtigen Größe benötigen, senden Sie bitte die folgenden Informationen an contact@desotosport.com .

GEWICHT – Genauigkeit hilft uns, eine genauere Größe für Sie bereitzustellen.
BRUST – Vollster Teil der Brust, gemessen als größter Teil des Umfangs direkt über dem Brustmuskel.
TAILLE – Umfang gemessen an der Bauchnabellinie – dies ist NICHT dasselbe wie der Taillenumfang Ihrer Hose.
HÜFTEN – Umfang gemessen an der breitesten Stelle, NICHT an Ihren Hüften, wo Ihr Gürtel hingehen könnte. Typischerweise misst dieser nur wenige Zentimeter unterhalb Ihrer Hüftknochen und um den größten Teil der Gesäßmuskulatur herum.

Wenn Sie kein Maßband haben und etwas zum Messen benötigen, verwenden Sie einen Gürtel oder ein Smartphone-Netzkabel und ein Lineal.

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 Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten

Mit insgesamt vier Taschen und den Mobius™ Comfort Compression-Beinbändern gilt sie als die beste Hose für Lang- und Ultradistanzrennen. Es ist identisch mit dem Forza Tri Short Modell FTS3, verfügt jedoch über zusätzliche Taschen.

Größenbestimmung: Bitte sehen Sie sich die Größentabelle oben an, um Hinweise zur Größenbestimmung zu erhalten.

Passform: Kompression
Bitte gehen Sie nicht von Ihrer eigenen Größe aus, sondern nutzen Sie unsere Größentabelle. Im Zweifelsfall senden Sie Fragen per E-Mail an contact@desotosport.com.

Funktionen und Vorteile.

  • Normale Leibhöhe – sitzt direkt unterhalb der Hüftknochen.
  • 4 mm integriertes Clasico-Pad sorgt für Komfort auf dem Fahrrad und bleibt beim Laufen unbemerkt
  • Die nahtlose Innenseite des Oberschenkels verhindert Reibung und erhöht die Haltbarkeit
  • Das Forza-Compressor- Gewebe bietet Halt und hilft, verzögert auftretenden Muskelkater zu reduzieren
  • 3-Zoll -Mobius™-Comfort-Compression -Beinbänder halten die Shorts an Ort und Stelle, ohne sie einzuengen
  • Solide schwarze Liftfoil™ -Mittelplatten sorgen für Komfort und Haltbarkeit
  • Vier Taschen, zwei an jeder Außenseite des Oberschenkels, eine über der anderen, aus Forza Compressor - Stoff zur Aufbewahrung von Trainings- und Rennutensilien. Wenn die Taschen leer sind, gibt es bei Geschwindigkeiten von 8 km/h oder weniger keinen Luftwiderstand. Die schnellsten Triathleten der Welt schwimmen keine 5 Meilen pro Stunde.
  • Curvilinear™-Nahtlinien und kontrastierende Flachnähte bieten Halt, Komfort und sowohl aerodynamische als auch hydrodynamische Vorteile; Daher eignet es sich hervorragend für Rennen ohne Neoprenanzug
  • Elastischer Bund und dehnungsfreier Kordelzug zur Einstellbarkeit
  • Bequem schwimmen, Rad fahren und laufen, ohne sich umzuziehen. Lässt sich gut unter Ihrem Neoprenanzug tragen! Einsatz im Triathlon
  • Haftungsausschluss: Das Schwimmen in trübem Wasser, einschließlich Teichen, Bächen, Buchten usw., kann zu Flecken auf weißen Gegenständen führen.
  • Diese umweltfreundliche Innovation ist völlig frei von Lösungsmitteln und die verwendeten Farbstoffe enthalten keine VOC.
  • Nicht für die wiederholte Verwendung in einem gechlorten Pool empfohlen
  • Hergestellt in den USA


    • Klein: 8" (20,32 cm)
    • Mittel: 8,5" (21,59 cm)
    • Groß: 9" (22,86 cm)
    • XL: 9,5" (24,13 cm)
    • 2X-Groß: 10" (25,4 cm)


    • Klein: 14,25" (36,20 cm)
    • Mittel: 15,25" (38,73 cm)
    • Groß: 16,25" (41,27 cm)
    • XL: 17,25" (43,81 cm)
    • 2X-Groß: 18,25" (46,35 cm)

    Vorderer Anstieg (Messung vom mittleren Polster bis zur Oberkante des Hosenbundes):

    • Klein: 9"
    • Mittel: 9,5"
    • Groß: 10"
    • XL: 10,5"
    • 2X-Large 11"

    Hinterer Anstieg (Messung vom Mittelpolster bis zur Rückseite des Hosenbundes):

    • Klein: 10,5"
    • Mittel: 11,5"
    • Groß: 12"
    • XL: 12,5"
    • 2X-Groß: 13"

    Fragen und Antworten

    Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen Forza Tri Shorts und Riviera Tri Short?
    • Forza verfügt über ein integriertes 4-mm-Pad; Riviera verfügt über ein integriertes 7-mm-Polster
    • Riviera hat eine längere Innennaht; Forza ist kürzer (die Längen nach Größe finden Sie auf den Produktseiten).
    • Forza ist entweder mit 4 Taschen oder ohne Taschen erhältlich; Riviera hat 2 Taschen
    Was sind die Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Forza Tri Shorts und Riviera Tri Short?
    • Beide verfügen über Kompressionsstoff mit 3-Zoll-Mobius Comfort Compression™-Beinbändern
    • Beide passen zu allen unseren Skin Cooler™ Oberteilen
    • Beide haben einen langen Kordelzug kombiniert mit einem bequemen elastischen Bund


    Product Reviews

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    • Erick Carrera
      5 months ago

      Really like the shoryd

      Wetting them before putting them on is brilliant, I’ve swam OW and have done a bike/run brick in them . They felt great on the saddle and on the run. Thanks for the sizing advice, too.

    • Fred Melo
      10 months ago

      Great customer service

      Had what it seemed an issue with threads broken at the seams initially (turned out to be not an issue). Ended up returning the shorts for an exchange and had a top notch experience with customer service.

    • Haas Chaudhry
      1 year ago

      Amazing product and customer service

      I could not be more pleased with this purchase. First, I spoke with Emilio De Soto, owner of the Company, who happened to be available and took my call personally. I had a few concerns and questions, and he was able to allay the concerns and answer the questions. I ended up purchasing the shorts for my first triathlon. And it felt like I wasn't even wearing them, which is what you ultimately want. The comfort and breathability were unmatched, as I went from swim to bike to run without losing time to changing nor sacrificing comfort. I will be using these for many more races and am now a De Soto brand loyalist!

    • Tim Miller
      2 years ago

      Still the best shorts

      These are my favorite shorts for tri going to back from my first pair 15 yrs ago. They are great for the bike for me on short course, but where they really shine is long course run. The fleece pad does not chafe like regular spandex does for me. But the BEST part is the Forza fabric. The compression does amazing things for the quads, hamstrings, and hips over the long run. Thank you for continuing to make an awesome product

    • Great run shorts
      Bill Ducasse
      2 years ago

      Great run shorts

      I have been looking for compression shorts to run in that would hold my phone. I did one size up from normal according to the sizing guide and they fit perfect. not only did my phone not move, but it did not drag the shorts down an inch. I will be adding more for race day for sure.

    • Vincent DiCarlo
      2 years ago

      Quality product

      Great company to work with. Very helpful. Tri top and shorts fit great and are very comfortable.

    • Anonymous
      2 years ago

      Good kit but very expensive

      These shorts are great, they fit well and give good support, but oh boy they are expensive.

    • Joseph Bush
      2 years ago

      Great Tri Shorts

      So the only reason I give these 4stars is because they are very tight on me for medium and ride low around the waste. Once I get these on, they are very comfortable riding 1-3 hours, and probably the best Tri shorts I’ve used for running. No chafing and they dry quickly. Only beef while riding is they slide off my seat more than my other kits, so I have to readjust my aero position more frequently. Again not a huge deal.

    • Manuel Colon-Perez
      2 years ago

      DeSoro Forza 4-pocket

      Fantastic. The shorts delivered on performance, comfort, and durability so far. Besides a great product, DeSoto has great customer service. Prompt response, attention to detail, excellent communication with customers.

    • Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Love the pocket shorts

      I find the pockets in the shorts much easier to use compared to the jersey pockets! In fact these pockets are essential!

    • jeff shoemaker J. S. jeff s.
      3 years ago

      Amazing Tri Shorts

      I have been wearing De Soto Tri shorts for 20 years they are the only shorts I wear biking and running. I recommend them to everyone. also some of the best customer service out there.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Forza Tri shorts

      Best fit and wear on any Tri shorts I’ve owned. 40 yrs of doing Tri’s and found a product that is comfortable for every discipline. Thanks

    • Wesley Williams
      3 years ago

      Good but not great

      These shorts have a lot of good with a little bad. Not shorts I would use for an Ironman but might be good for shorter distances. The waist is low cut for sure, and the pad was too big for my liking. However, my main complaint was the seams in the crotch rubbed super bad during running and cut my inner legs all up. Nice fore the cycling and while the pad was thick it didn’t get in the way. Not bad but not great shorts. I would go a different route in the future.

    • Andy Dybvig A. D. Andy D.
      3 years ago

      Fit is odd, but overall good.

      Padding is great. Overall performance is good. I just wish they did not ride so low on my back. I have had four pairs of these, the first two fit great…the last two not as much, and I get sunburns on my lower back.

    • Matthew Manion
      3 years ago

      Fantastic Four-pocket Forsa!

      These shorts immediately became my go-to for training and racing long distance triathlons. I can easily carry my nutrition and a small water bottle in the pockets, eliminating the need for a belt - and I still have 2 pockets available for my car key or anything else. The chamois is thick enough for century rides or IM races yet thin enough for runs from 5k to the marathon. And the compression is tight enough to provide support without feeling constricted. I love these shorts and already bought a second pair.

    • Jason J. Jason
      3 years ago

      Top of the Line Shorts

      I have been using Forza 4 pocket shorts for several years. I have them made with the 7mm pad and they have outstanding comfort, even for Iron distance events. The pockets are so useful, once you have them it is hard to wear shorts without. They also have a dual layer in the front for greatly improved modestly! They are more durable than most other brands and stand up well to repeated washings. One of my favourite features is that they do not bag and sag during a race like most other brands. I have tried most other brands and find Desoto to be the best.

      3 years ago

      Best tri shorts anywhere

      DeSoto is simply the best tri short available. I have worn several other brands and none of them compare to this quality.

    • Jerry Miceli J. M. Jerry M.
      3 years ago

      Expectations surpassed

      I had a very pleasant experience it was my first time in a half Iron Man and I heard from other people that De Soto was a really good company they more than met my expectations. I also have some friends who are new to the sport and I am recommending them to give the DeSoto a try

    • Ron StPeter
      3 years ago


      The shorts have zero UV protection on the bottom of the leg where the colored band is. I had a severe burn under that colored band! Other than that, the shorts performed as expected.

      3 years ago

      Simply the Best!!

      Hands down the very best Tri clothing made!! I wish you guys would bring back the men’s tri crop top and half split run Shorts. There are still plenty of minimalist out here!!!

    • Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Great shorts but size up

      The shorts are well made and comfortable but I wish I had sized up to a large rather than a medium. Right in between sizes and rep recommended medium but just a bit too tight in crotch for longer rides.

    • Marcel Veldhuizen M. V. Marcel V.
      4 years ago

      These are simply the best

      I use these 4 pockets one already for many years and no other could ever come close. The fit and durability are of this planet and i use them all the time. Thanks for producing such a high quality product for so many years already

      4 years ago

      Simply The Best

      De Soto clothing is the best bar none. Worn it for years and nothing even comes close to the quality and durability!

    • Simone Faragalli S. F. Simone F.
      4 years ago

      Forza Tri Short

      Excellent technology. They fit really tight compared to other model of same size (eg, Carrera).

    • Bonaccio B. Bonaccio
      5 years ago

      Comfort, quality and compliance

      That is a great product. Very comfortable. Pad is thin but it really provides a surprising comfort, either running or ridding a bike. Forza Tri-Short has given exactly the compression I hoped for a quality triathlon short. It could be even better if the back side, at the waist, was a little higher, no more than 1 cm (small size). But it was not anything significant. Excellent customer service.

    • Dan M.
      5 years ago

      Forza 4 Pocket Tri Short

      The fit is a bit low in the waist. The shorts appear to be well made and have just the right amount of padding. I prefer a little higher fit at the waist but overall a nice pair of tri shorts.

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