Close to perfect suit…..
Only thing I would change is the pockets. Use a mesh material or put flaps on them to make them better in the swim and this suit would be perfect for my needs.
32 reviews
Höhe | Gewicht | Taille | Brust | Hüften | |
XS | < 5'6" in / <168 cm | 61 kg | 22–24 Zoll / 56–61 cm | < 37 Zoll / < 94 cm | |
Klein | 168–173 cm | 66 kg | 61–69 cm | 94–99 cm | < 34 Zoll / < 86 cm |
Mittel | 175–180 cm | 75 kg | 69–81 cm | 99–107 cm | 86–96 cm |
Groß | 183–188 cm | 88 kg | 81–89 cm | 107–114 cm | 96–106 cm |
XL | 191–196 cm | 98 kg | 89–104 cm | 114–122 cm | 106–119 cm |
XX-Groß | 6'5" in / 197 cm+ | 107 kg | 42 Zoll + / 105 cm + | 49 Zoll + / 123 cm + | 48 Zoll + / 121 cm + |
Die obige Größentabelle soll als allgemeine Orientierung dienen. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Bestimmung der richtigen Größe benötigen, senden Sie bitte die folgenden Informationen an .
Aufgrund der Hochsaison in der Triathlonsaison und unserer Rennrückkehr (Hurra!) kann es ab dem Datum Ihrer Bestellung 24 Stunden dauern, bis dieses Produkt unser Lager verlässt. Samstag und Sonntag sind ausgeschlossen, da wir am Wochenende geschlossen haben.
Der Forza Trisuit hat Ärmel und den Fli-fly™ für schnelle Linderung unterwegs! Oberkörper aus innovativem Skin Cooler 90™-Gewebe von De Soto für 90 UVB-Sonnenschutz. Fünf praktische Taschen für alle Ihre Rennbedürfnisse und noch mehr Funktionen!
Größenbestimmung: Bitte sehen Sie sich die Größentabelle oben an, um Hinweise zur Größenbestimmung zu erhalten.
Passform: Kompression
Hinweis zur Passform: Wenn Sie einen langen Oberkörper haben, groß und schlank sind oder für Ihre Körpergröße eher leicht sind und auf der Suche nach einem einteiligen Trisuit sind, ist dies das Richtige für Sie. Bitte gehen Sie nicht von Ihrer Größe aus, sondern nutzen Sie unsere Größentabelle. Im Zweifelsfall senden Sie Fragen per E-Mail an Triathlon-Bekleidung soll eng an der Haut anliegen. Dadurch sollen mögliche Scheuerstellen und unnötiger Widerstand beim Schwimmen, Radfahren und Laufen vermieden werden. Wenn Ihnen diese Passform nicht gefällt und Sie zwischen zwei Größen liegen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, eine Nummer größer zu wählen. Das Kleidungsstück sitzt beim ersten Anziehen am besten und lockert sich leicht, sobald es nass ist.
Merkmale und Vorteile:
TOLLE NACHRICHTEN: Trisuits mit Ärmeln sind jetzt für die Verwendung bei Ironman- und 70.3-Rennen legal und bleiben auch bei vielen anderen Rennen, die nicht dem WTC gehören, legal. Dieser Trisuit wurde genau zu diesem Zweck entwickelt, wobei die Hydrodynamik ein wichtiger Faktor ist, nicht nur die Aerodynamik.
Hinweis zur Innennaht – kürzere Beinlänge als andere Marken: Haben Sie gesehen, wie lang die Shorts sind, die Fahrer in letzter Zeit in Europa getragen haben, insbesondere bei den Grand Tours? Im Gegensatz zu den meisten Marken hier in den USA, die knapp über den Knien reichen, sind unsere Shorts angenehm kürzer. Unsere Innennaht ähnelt denen, die derzeit von den Profis bei den Grand Tours verwendet werden. Sie haben kein Gummiband, bleiben aber an Ort und Stelle und klemmen oder quetschen die Beine nicht, was entscheidend ist, wenn Sie zum Laufabschnitt eines Triathlons gelangen.
Was unterscheidet uns? Unsere Skin Cooler-Faser ist so konzipiert, dass sie sich wie Seide (von einer Seidenraupe) anfühlt und funktioniert. Durch Biomimikry haben wir die Vorzüge dieser Naturfaser genutzt und eine synthetische Seide geschaffen. Es hält Sie bei heißem Wetter kühl und bei Nässe kühler. Ziehen Sie es an und Sie werden sofort das kühle Gefühl spüren. Wenn Sie es anfeuchten, werden Sie feststellen, dass die Oberflächentemperatur der Haut zwischen 7 und 10 Grad sinkt.
EIN MEDIZINISCHES TESTIM0NIAL: Wir haben diesen Brief von einem angesehenen Dermatologen und Mohs-Chirurgen erhalten:
Ich bin begeisterter Läufer und Triathlet und habe kürzlich Ihre Skin Cooler-Produkte entdeckt, von denen ich ein großer Fan bin. Ich trage sie jetzt seit ein paar Monaten und könnte nicht glücklicher sein. Ich bin Dermatologe und Mohs-Chirurg. Jeder Patient, den ich sehe, leidet an einem Basalzellkarzinom, Plattenepithelkarzinom oder Melanom. Ich empfehle Ihre Produkte täglich meinen aktiven Patienten. Es ermöglicht ihnen, ihren aktiven Lebensstil fortzusetzen und sich gleichzeitig vor der Sonne zu schützen. Ich finde, dass Ihr Produkt allen anderen Kühl- und Sonnenschutzlinien weit überlegen ist. Ich schätze Ihre Bemühungen und Innovationen wirklich.
Hinweis: Kein Kleidungsstück sollte jemals ein Ersatz sein, daher empfehlen wir Ihnen, unter diesen und allen Produkten immer Sonnenschutzmittel zu tragen. Es ist wichtig zu bedenken, dass sich der SPF/UPF-Wert eines Sonnenschutzmittels (unabhängig von der Marke, für das Sie sich entscheiden) nur auf seine Fähigkeit bezieht, die Haut vor UVB-Strahlung zu schützen. Da wir wissen, dass UVA-Schäden ebenso heimtückisch sein können, ist es für die Gesundheit Ihrer Haut unerlässlich, dass Sie ein Sonnenschutzmittel verwenden, das die UVA-schützenden Inhaltsstoffe Titandioxid oder Zinkoxid enthält.
Only thing I would change is the pockets. Use a mesh material or put flaps on them to make them better in the swim and this suit would be perfect for my needs.
Third purchase of this excellent suit from an equally excellent supplier. Do not hesitate. You will not be disappointed. Not cheap but buy cheap buy twice as they say. Would not go anywhere else for a suit. Absolutely top notch service from start to finish.
Received excellent advice from DeSoto as far as sizing. Suit fits very well. Design is very cool looking and construction appears very solid. Have not had a chance to train in it yet but it is comfortable. Believe I made a wise choice buying this tri suit.
This wetsuit is my favorite and I have done over 75 long course events. Recently did Ironman St George and did not have single chafe or irritation. Fit under the Wave 1 wetsuit perfectly. For long course, I love the large pockets for stuffing nutrition on the bike. The small pockets on the side are perfect for salt or other small special needs for bike and especially the run. The leg fit is very nice / tight without squeezing my quads. I love the ability to lower the front zipper to help with cooling. I love the 'fli-fly' -- simple and great.
This is the 2nd Flisuit I ordered, although I have many other De Soto products (Riviera Fli Bib, T1 wetsuit, etc.). Living in Miami, the Skin Cooler material is perfect for our hot and humid weather. The Fli-fly makes bathroom breaks easy for longer events. I wore this in Challenge Daytona, looking forward to using it at Challenge Miami.
By far the best one piece trisuit on the market. Chamois is super comfortable and the design is perfect with pockets in great locations. Especially love the pockets on the side of the thigh as they are great for carry a gel flask for easy access during the run. Ordered a little less than 4 weeks before Tremblant 70.3 and was getting a little nervous about having it in time for race day. Called customer service and they made sure I had it on time. Awesome Company!
Excellent---I also have the Rivera and that model fits my body type better. I didn't realize the differences between the two from the details provided on site. I ultimately saw it reflected on site, but only after I bought the Forza. The sizing differences were not as transparent on site as I hoped.
One of the most well constructed athletic garments i've ever worn, extremely efficient sweat wicking and high quality materials. With regards to swimming, the sleeve design causes some chafing rashes on the underside of the arms, likely due to a seam or the way that they bunch when you lift your hands over your head. This may be fixed when swimming in a wetsuit. Another small concern, perhaps due to the tighness of the suit even with the increased torso length of the BYOS, is increased pressure on the shoulders when swimming, and I wonder if that will make a significant difference at longer distances (Ironman, etc).The 7mm pad is great so far, the only improvement i might ask for would be making the pad a little wider. Since the principal reason behind going with the BYOS suit was the larger size, i don't know if it's possible to offer multiple widths/lengths of the chamois, but it feels a little undersized for me (6'6, 208 lbs). Overall these are small nitpicks offered due to the pricepoint of the suit and the already high standard that DeSoto has set for itself and the market as a whole.
Overall I’m very pleased with your products (I mainly buy through Amazon). High quality and wears very well. I tried this one piece set and unfortunately the top part was to loose and only bottom portion felt fit. I tried to return but was told that is not possible (product is not used and have all tags). Since I’m valued customers of your products (mainly through Amazon) its very disappointing that I was not able to return this one product
Went with blue bee hive Forza Flisuit. Love the DeSoto products. Second trisuit in 5 years. First suit has held up great (about 24 races) but white fabric is getting dingy and wanted updated colors with sleeves. Was a little worried that is was too tight. I'm 5'5" 148 lbs and went with small. trained three days and then ran a full IM and was completely satisfied. No chaffing, no hot spots. Used the fli twice. Couldn't be happier with the performance.
Really happy with the whole experience. They helped me pick the right size when I asked for assistance and then despite telling me it would be 4 weeks to deliver I had it within a week. Highly recommend the suit and the company.
I love the way the Forza flisuit fits for the bike and run, but the material is too tight in the front for the swim. I had to roll it down under my swim skin and put it on in T1. I am 6'1" and 170 lb and wear a medium. Not a big deal but I bought this suit hoping it would work for the swim.
Wore this once in training, and was very impressed by the wicking ability and quick-dry nature of the fabric, and the seat pad worked very well on the saddle. Then wore it for an Olympic-distance triathlon, in rainy conditions, and again was extremely impressed by the suit's ability to keep me comfortable in these conditions (my body temperature was perfect - as if the suit was moderating both heat and cold). Post-race it dried quickly as well which was nice because I did not have a good changing area and ended up wearing home underneath sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt, and it was not at all gross. It did stain a bit from the open water swim and contact with my wetsuit, but, that all washed out using some spray-and-wash in a cold water/delicate cycle (front-loading washer used). Overall, great product and I hope it holds up for several more races.
Super comfortable--love it and have used it in both a 1/2 and fulls. Used in hot weather and was great. Sleeves great for shielding sun. Great under a wetsuit, too. Pad is comfortable for riding and not noticeable on the run. Stays perfectly in place without being too tight. Legs do not ride up. Can move front zipper to get some cooling. Fli-fly works great as advertised. Pockets need some practice to find. but, once wearing it a couple times, tons of places to stuff salt or food. I have loved it for distance tris.
Excellent long course tri suit. At 5'9", 160lbs the medium fit well. Testing grounds - Kona. Did not notice excess shoulder fatigue wearing sleeved suit under my swimskin and was straight to the bike with no fuss after smooth transition. Chamois was comfortable on bike and run. Pockets were well thought out and placed. Able to take Gatorade hand up for bta and water bottle hand up for rear center pocket of suit at each aid station. Having cold bottle against my lower spine in the heat was added utility. "Fly" was tested and functional for quick relief without breaking aero position on the bike. Pockets were well constructed and able to hold all my gels/electrolytes for run. Could have easily carried gel flasks as well. I only wish my overall performance in the race could have been as solid as this suit. Step up from my last LG sleeved suit which I loved and blew away HUUB LS suit I trailed at 70.3 worlds. Hats off to Emilio and crew at DeSoto for another well thought out and well constructed addition to my DeSoto arsenal.
Having used De Soto products to race in for the past 15 years, this piece is certainly my favourite. Great fit, great design, lightweight and using the best fabrics, I hardly noticed that I was wearing it at all. It doesn't chafe like other suits I have tried and - true to all De Soto products - shows that the people who design the products are athletes and know what they are doing. Also loved how Emilio took control of some specific colours I wanted and it came exactly as I had specified. Try one, then buy one. You won't be disappointed.
Only thing I would change is the pockets. Use a mesh material or put flaps on them to make them better in the swim and this suit would be perfect for my needs.
Third purchase of this excellent suit from an equally excellent supplier. Do not hesitate. You will not be disappointed. Not cheap but buy cheap buy twice as they say. Would not go anywhere else for a suit. Absolutely top notch service from start to finish.
Received excellent advice from DeSoto as far as sizing. Suit fits very well. Design is very cool looking and construction appears very solid. Have not had a chance to train in it yet but it is comfortable. Believe I made a wise choice buying this tri suit.
This wetsuit is my favorite and I have done over 75 long course events. Recently did Ironman St George and did not have single chafe or irritation. Fit under the Wave 1 wetsuit perfectly. For long course, I love the large pockets for stuffing nutrition on the bike. The small pockets on the side are perfect for salt or other small special needs for bike and especially the run. The leg fit is very nice / tight without squeezing my quads. I love the ability to lower the front zipper to help with cooling. I love the 'fli-fly' -- simple and great.
This is the 2nd Flisuit I ordered, although I have many other De Soto products (Riviera Fli Bib, T1 wetsuit, etc.). Living in Miami, the Skin Cooler material is perfect for our hot and humid weather. The Fli-fly makes bathroom breaks easy for longer events. I wore this in Challenge Daytona, looking forward to using it at Challenge Miami.
By far the best one piece trisuit on the market. Chamois is super comfortable and the design is perfect with pockets in great locations. Especially love the pockets on the side of the thigh as they are great for carry a gel flask for easy access during the run. Ordered a little less than 4 weeks before Tremblant 70.3 and was getting a little nervous about having it in time for race day. Called customer service and they made sure I had it on time. Awesome Company!
Excellent---I also have the Rivera and that model fits my body type better. I didn't realize the differences between the two from the details provided on site. I ultimately saw it reflected on site, but only after I bought the Forza. The sizing differences were not as transparent on site as I hoped.
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