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Inspiration for Femme Flamingo Spring Kit



I hate to complain about weather, when living in Southern California.  It's a pretty ideal climate and the reason I chose to move here, which in hindset was a great move on my own behalf, I must admit!  I immediately fell in love with the laid-back beach lifestyle and ideal climate for training and was right to follow my heart! 

Every now and again, we get a crummy winter (I know, I feel the eye-rolling already) and this was one of them.  It has been raining and raining and raining...which is great for the drought that had a couple years ago and to fill up our reservoirs, and great for the mountains and snowboarding, skiing and testing cold weather gear, of which we have taken advantage.  But...where is my Southern California sunshine?  I miss swimming with the sun on my back, my daily dose of vitamin D, and now having to think about the weather if I head out the door on my cervelo or for a trail run. 

Hence, the Miami themed flamingo and frond design.  Even living in San Diego, it has been a chilly and wet winter and that does not account for the cold and snow the rest of the country has experienced.  Freezing temperatures in Northern California, snow in the Pacific Northwest, snow, snow and more snow in the Midwest and east coast.  Brrr..  We all need a bit of summer brought to us, now, even in March to brighten our days and to get us through to May when the warmth and sunshine will follow.  Miami is full of vibrant color, wide beaches, lush tropical garden from the daily misting, and it's what most of us think of when we want sunshine and warmth and summer!  Flamingos are typical to latin culture and there is a fair amount of that in Miami. 

Get your kit today, as it is a limited edition and wear it proudly, if even on your trainer or treadmill, to bring a bright flash of summer to your workout to keep you motivated to keep on keepin' on. 

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