Love this product
I had one in the past but it got destroyed in a wreck. Love the design on this new one.
Manténgase fresco y protéjase del sol con esta innovación de De Soto: una camiseta estilo Bolero para ciclistas.
Tallas: consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener orientación sobre cómo lograr el ajuste correcto. El tamaño se basa en la "envergadura" medida en la espalda, de pie, desde el hueso de la muñeca hasta el hueso de la muñeca. Si su medida es un poco superior a las que se muestran, no se preocupe, esta tela se estira mucho y desea que las Coolwings estén CÓMODAS contra su piel.
Tipo de ajuste: ajuste de forma .
Nota de ajuste: no asumas tu talla, utiliza nuestra tabla de tallas. En caso de duda, envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a La ropa de triatlón está pensada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y arrastres innecesarios durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no se siente cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o está entre tallas, le recomendamos que se ajuste a una talla más grande. La prenda quedará más ajustada la primera vez que se la ponga, se relajará un poco una vez mojada.
Características y Beneficios:
¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Humedécelo y notarás un descenso de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.
UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:
Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Los he estado usando durante unos meses y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Cada paciente que veo está plagado de carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos diariamente. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas refrescantes y de protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.
Nota: ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es crucial tener en cuenta que la calificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere solo a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Porque sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de su piel que contiene los ingredientes protectores contra los rayos UVA de dióxido de titanio u óxido de zinc.
Does not fit well. Would like to return it. But the return process is a bit of a hassle.
I was surprised by how well it works. Living in South Florida the heat this year has been up there. I’ve been wearing the most meshy shirts I can find when heading out to ride my bike. I was skeptical that a long sleeve was going to be comfortable, but to my surprise not only was it comfortable it was actually cooler. When I soaked it in water, it actually became a little chilly. A happy purchase for sure.
I used this for the first time today cycling. About 90 degrees and humid. It was worse than bare skin. Had to take it off.
I like everything about Coolwings. The fabric tryly does kep me cooler in hot weather if I'm sweating and/or if I spray it with water, and the fit is great. I especially like they dont slide down my arms like regular arm warmers/coolers.
I recently raced for nearly 6 hours in the tropical heat of Indonesia while wearing Coolwings and a CORE temperature monitor. Despite riding non-stop hills and blazing sunshine, my core temperature never went above 38.4 C and quickly dropped into mid 37C when I splashed myself with water. In my prior experience racing without the Coolwings, my core temperature would reach 39C and stay there unless I reduced intensity, which is hard to do when racing.
Have two of the original versions. Loved them. loose comfortable fit. Original size unk. These two new versions are very snug (L) - wish I'd ordered next size up. If you're a new user, don't be afraid to wear them. Becomes second nature after 2nd/3rd ride, and THEY WORK.
Does not fit well. Would like to return it. But the return process is a bit of a hassle.
I was surprised by how well it works. Living in South Florida the heat this year has been up there. I’ve been wearing the most meshy shirts I can find when heading out to ride my bike. I was skeptical that a long sleeve was going to be comfortable, but to my surprise not only was it comfortable it was actually cooler. When I soaked it in water, it actually became a little chilly. A happy purchase for sure.
I used this for the first time today cycling. About 90 degrees and humid. It was worse than bare skin. Had to take it off.
I like everything about Coolwings. The fabric tryly does kep me cooler in hot weather if I'm sweating and/or if I spray it with water, and the fit is great. I especially like they dont slide down my arms like regular arm warmers/coolers.
I recently raced for nearly 6 hours in the tropical heat of Indonesia while wearing Coolwings and a CORE temperature monitor. Despite riding non-stop hills and blazing sunshine, my core temperature never went above 38.4 C and quickly dropped into mid 37C when I splashed myself with water. In my prior experience racing without the Coolwings, my core temperature would reach 39C and stay there unless I reduced intensity, which is hard to do when racing.
Have two of the original versions. Loved them. loose comfortable fit. Original size unk. These two new versions are very snug (L) - wish I'd ordered next size up. If you're a new user, don't be afraid to wear them. Becomes second nature after 2nd/3rd ride, and THEY WORK.
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