Great customer service Emilio helped me greatly
Men's Riviera Flisuit™
48 reviews
Altura | Peso | Cintura | Pecho | Caderas | |
X-Pequeño | < 5'6" pulgadas / < 168 cm | 135 libras / 61 kg | 22”-24” pulgadas / 56-61 cm | < 37” pulgadas / < 94 cm | |
Pequeño | 5'6”-5'8” pulgadas / 168-173 cm | 145 libras / 66 kg | 24”-27” pulgadas / 61-69 cm | 37”-39” pulgadas / 94-99 cm | < 34" pulgadas / < 86 cm |
Medio | 5'9" pulgadas / 175-180 cm | 165 libras / 75 kg | 27”-32” pulgadas / 69-81 cm | 39”-42” pulgadas / 99-107 cm | 34"-38" pulgadas / 86-96 cm |
Grande | 6'0" pulgadas / 183-188 cm | 195 libras / 88 kg | 32”-35” pulgadas / 81-89 cm | 42”-45” pulgadas / 107-114 cm | 38"-42" pulgadas / 96-106 cm |
Extra grande | 6'2" pulgadas / 191-196 cm | 215 libras / 98 kg | 35”-41” pulgadas / 89-104 cm | 45”-48” pulgadas / 114-122 cm | 42"-47" pulgadas / 106-119 cm |
XX-Grande | 6'5" pulgadas / 197 cm + | 235 libras / 107 kg | 42” pulgadas + / 105 cm + | 49 pulgadas + / 123 cm + | 48" pulgadas + / 121 cm + |
La tabla de tallas que aparece más arriba debe servir como guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar la talla adecuada, envíe la siguiente información a .
Debido al abrumador número actual de pedidos, espere 24 horas a partir de la fecha de su pedido para que este producto salga de nuestro almacén. Los sábados y domingos están excluidos ya que cerramos los fines de semana.
¡El primer traje de triatlón y traje de piel con bragueta del mundo! Por último, puedes tener alivio en el baño sin tener que abrir la cremallera ni desvestirte.
¡La comodidad, el rendimiento y la funcionalidad que te encantan en nuestros pantalones cortos Riviera Tri y Tri Bib ahora están disponibles en este increíble tritraje Riviera con mangas!
Dimensionamiento: Consulta el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener orientación sobre las tallas.
Tipo de ajuste: Compresivo
Nota sobre el ajuste: la ropa de triatlón está diseñada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y resistencias innecesarias durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no te sientes cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o estás entre tallas, te recomendamos una talla más grande. La prenda se relajará ligeramente una vez mojada. Si tienes un torso más largo te recomendamos usar el Forza Flisuit FFT
Características y beneficios:
GRANDES NOTICIAS: Los tritrajes con mangas ahora son legales para su uso en carreras Ironman y 70.3, y siguen siendo legales en muchas otras carreras que no son propiedad del WTC. Este tritraje fue diseñado precisamente para este propósito, teniendo como factor la hidrodinámica, no solo la aerodinámica.
¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás instantáneamente la sensación de frescor. Mójalo y notarás una bajada de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.
UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:
Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Llevo unos meses usándolos y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Todos los pacientes que atiendo padecen carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos a diario. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas de refrigeración y protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.
Nota: Ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que la clasificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.
I bought this suite to run the St. George 70.3 This suite was well constructed an very comfortable for the race of that distance. The lighter color was also really nice for a hot race day and the material breathed very well.
Nice fit. Much better than the forza. DeSoto team very helpful at making exchange. Very comfortable for my first full ironman. No chaffing. Pad was adequate on the bike. Tons of pocket space. The fly made multiple pit stops a breeze. No regrets
The Riveria Trisuit is AWESOME! Love the fli feature for sure but just overall a great fit and feel for the longer distance triathlon's. Super comfy and the fit is especially great as it just doesn't weigh you down in the later stages of the races. Highly highly recommend!
I had an older DeSoto suit but it had been a couple years since I last raced and wanted a new one. This is so much better than my old one. Swim in salt water chafe free (a first in all my years). I’ve done two races since coming back and podiumed in both. The suit may not be totally the reason but it certainly did not detract from the racing at all, which is what it should do… perform without distraction. For fear of it wearing out, I save it for racing (and pre-race) only but I really would wear it for every brick workout if I could (and if the replacement cost was a bit more manageable).
Highly recommend based on experience training with this suit and completing Ironman Florida. I went with Large, I’m 6’ and 190 lbs. No chafing, no saddle sores, the fly concept worked beautifully during T2 for a quick pit stop. Leg pockets held secure flask and gels on ride and run. Also, I probably got 10+ compliments from spectators who loved the kit. Really does stand out. One thing to note on the fly, I was a little concerned since it tended to “pucker open” during aero, however there was no exposure risk. Compression feel on quads was also apparent and worked well, no cramps or lock ups in the quad or hammy.
Just completed my first Spring Tri and came in 3rd in my age group. The Tri suit worked perfectly, dried quickly and felt great on the bike and the run. As a little bonus Mr. De Soto himself did hello at the event after seeing me in the suit. I can highly recommend the De Soto and this Tri suit!!!
The Riveria Trisuit is AWESOME! Love the fli feature for sure but just overall a great fit and feel for the longer distance triathlon's. Super comfy and the fit is especially great as it just doesn't weigh you down in the later stages of the races. Highly highly recommend!
I had an older DeSoto suit but it had been a couple years since I last raced and wanted a new one. This is so much better than my old one. Swim in salt water chafe free (a first in all my years). I’ve done two races since coming back and podiumed in both. The suit may not be totally the reason but it certainly did not detract from the racing at all, which is what it should do… perform without distraction. For fear of it wearing out, I save it for racing (and pre-race) only but I really would wear it for every brick workout if I could (and if the replacement cost was a bit more manageable).
Highly recommend based on experience training with this suit and completing Ironman Florida. I went with Large, I’m 6’ and 190 lbs. No chafing, no saddle sores, the fly concept worked beautifully during T2 for a quick pit stop. Leg pockets held secure flask and gels on ride and run. Also, I probably got 10+ compliments from spectators who loved the kit. Really does stand out. One thing to note on the fly, I was a little concerned since it tended to “pucker open” during aero, however there was no exposure risk. Compression feel on quads was also apparent and worked well, no cramps or lock ups in the quad or hammy.
Just completed my first Spring Tri and came in 3rd in my age group. The Tri suit worked perfectly, dried quickly and felt great on the bike and the run. As a little bonus Mr. De Soto himself did hello at the event after seeing me in the suit. I can highly recommend the De Soto and this Tri suit!!!
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