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Traje de baño Forza Flisuit™ con mangas para hombre (diseña el tuyo propio)

32 reviews

Precio habitual €329,95

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Tabla de tallas


Altura Peso Cintura Pecho Caderas
X-Pequeño < 5'6" pulgadas / < 168 cm 135 libras / 61 kg 22”-24” pulgadas / 56-61 cm < 37” pulgadas / < 94 cm
Pequeño 5'6”-5'8” pulgadas / 168-173 cm 145 libras / 66 kg 24”-27” pulgadas / 61-69 cm 37”-39” pulgadas / 94-99 cm < 34" pulgadas / < 86 cm
Medio 5'9" pulgadas / 175-180 cm 165 libras / 75 kg 27”-32” pulgadas / 69-81 cm 39”-42” pulgadas / 99-107 cm 34"-38" pulgadas / 86-96 cm
Grande 6'0" pulgadas / 183-188 cm 195 libras / 88 kg 32”-35” pulgadas / 81-89 cm 42”-45” pulgadas / 107-114 cm 38"-42" pulgadas / 96-106 cm
Extra grande 6'2" pulgadas / 191-196 cm 215 libras / 98 kg 35”-41” pulgadas / 89-104 cm 45”-48” pulgadas / 114-122 cm 42"-47" pulgadas / 106-119 cm
XX-Grande 6'5" pulgadas / 197 cm + 235 libras / 107 kg 42” pulgadas + / 105 cm + 49 pulgadas + / 123 cm + 48" pulgadas + / 121 cm +

La tabla de tallas que aparece más arriba debe servir como guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar la talla adecuada, envíe la siguiente información a .

PESO: La precisión nos ayuda a brindarle un tamaño más preciso.
PECHO: Parte más ancha del pecho, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - NO es la misma que la talla de cintura de tus pantalones.
CADERAS: circunferencia medida en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, se mide unos centímetros por debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más ancha de los glúteos.

Si no tienes una cinta métrica y necesitas algo para medir, usa un cinturón, un cable de alimentación de teléfono inteligente y una regla.
Este artículo se envía gratis dentro de los EE. UU.
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El producto saldrá dentro de las 4 semanas siguientes a la fecha de su pedido.

Debido a la naturaleza personalizada de esta oferta, no se permiten códigos de descuento y no existe una política de devolución o cambio para este modelo.

¡Este Forza Flisuit tiene mangas cortas y Fli-fly™ para un alivio rápido mientras viajas!  

¡Elija su color, tamaño y grosor de almohadilla!

Estaremos encantados de ofrecer cualquier diseño que hayamos ofrecido en el pasado reciente, pero no lo vemos como una opción arriba. Envíe un correo electrónico a contact@desotosport para obtener más detalles.

Tallas: consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener orientación sobre las tallas.
Tipo de ajuste: Compresivo
Nota de ajuste:
si tienes un torso largo, o si eres alto y delgado, y buscas un trisuit de una sola pieza, este es el indicado para ti. Por favor, no asuma su talla, utilice nuestra tabla de tallas. En caso de duda, envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a La ropa de triatlón está diseñada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y resistencias innecesarias durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no te sientes cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o estás entre tallas, te recomendamos una talla más grande. La prenda te quedará más ajustada la primera vez que te la pongas y se relajará ligeramente una vez mojada.

Características y beneficios:

  • Mangas cortas para mayor refrigeración y protección solar.
  • Fly-Fly™ bragueta oculta justo encima de la almohadilla, al frente para un rápido “alivio” en el baño sobre la marcha.
  • Elija entrealmohadilla integrada Clásico de 4 mm, almohadilla integrada Clásico de 7 mm o almohadilla polar.
  • Parte superior del cuerpo confeccionada con el innovador tejido Skin Cooler 90 ™ de De Soto para protección solar 90 UVB.
  • La parte inferior del cuerpo está hecha de tela Forza Compressor e incluye nuestras nuevas bandas para piernas Mobius™ Comfort Compression de 3 pulgadas y 2 piezas que ofrecen compresión sin constricción apretada.
  • Los paneles centrales Liftfoil™ de color negro sólido brindan durabilidad y comodidad. Los mantuvimos intencionalmente como paneles negros de “modestia” en el área de la entrepierna de todos los modelos, incluida la versión blanca, para evitar manchas en el sillín y al mismo tiempo crear una apariencia favorecedora.
  • Cremallera frontal YKK® de 16 pulgadas para ventilación mientras viaja
  • Este traje tiene 5 bolsillos utilitarios para satisfacer todas tus necesidades de carrera.
  • Las líneas de costura Curvilinear™ y los puntos planos en contraste ofrecen soporte, comodidad y ventaja aerodinámica.
  • Nade, ande en bicicleta y corra cómodamente sin cambiarse. ¡Corre con él debajo de tu traje de neopreno!
  • Descargo de responsabilidad: nadar en aguas turbias, incluidos estanques, arroyos, bahías, etc., puede provocar manchas.
  • Esta innovación respetuosa con el medio ambiente está completamente libre de disolventes y los tintes utilizados no tienen COV.
  • No recomendado para uso repetido en una piscina clorada.
  • Hecho en EE.UU

GRANDES NOTICIAS: Los tritrajes con mangas ahora son legales para su uso en carreras Ironman y 70.3, y siguen siendo legales en muchas otras carreras que no son propiedad del WTC. Este tritraje fue diseñado precisamente para este propósito, teniendo como factor la hidrodinámica, no solo la aerodinámica.

Dimensiones de la almohadilla:

  • Grosor: Clásico de 4 mm;
  • Grosor mínimo: 0,05" (1,25 mm)
  • Longitud total: 11,25" (28,5 cm)
  • Ancho máximo frontal: 4,5" (11,5 cm)
  • Ancho de cintura - punto más estrecho: 3,5" (8,5 cm)
  • Ancho máximo del respaldo: 6,5" (16,5 cm)

Largos de entrepierna:

  • Pequeño: 9,5" (24,13 cm)
  • Mediano: 10" (25,40 cm)
  • Grande: 10,5" (26,67 cm)
  • XL: 11" (27,94 cm)

Nota sobre la entrepierna: longitud de pierna más corta que otras marcas: ¿Has visto el largo de los pantalones cortos que los ciclistas han estado usando en Europa últimamente, especialmente en las Grandes Vueltas? A diferencia de la mayoría de las marcas aquí en los Estados Unidos, que llegan justo por encima de las rodillas, nuestros pantalones cortos son cómodamente más cortos. Nuestra entrepierna es similar a la que utilizan actualmente los profesionales en los Grandes Vueltas. No tienen elástico de agarre, pero permanecen en su lugar y no aprietan ni aprietan las piernas, lo cual es crucial una vez que llegas al segmento de carrera de un triatlón.

    ¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través del Biomímesis tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás instantáneamente la sensación de frescor. Mójalo y notarás una bajada de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

    UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

    Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Llevo unos meses usándolos y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Todos los pacientes que atiendo padecen carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos a diario. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas de refrigeración y protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

    Nota: Ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que la clasificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.


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    • David Stenger
      5 months ago

      Close to perfect suit…..

      Only thing I would change is the pockets. Use a mesh material or put flaps on them to make them better in the swim and this suit would be perfect for my needs.

    • David Milton
      7 months ago

      Forza byos sleeveless trisuit

      Third purchase of this excellent suit from an equally excellent supplier. Do not hesitate. You will not be disappointed. Not cheap but buy cheap buy twice as they say. Would not go anywhere else for a suit. Absolutely top notch service from start to finish.

    • Jeffrey Leipzig
      10 months ago

      I will be excited to try

      My race is not until July 13, 2024

    • Joseph Buchinsky Jr.
      1 year ago

      Forza Flisuit Sleeved-BYOS

      Received excellent advice from DeSoto as far as sizing. Suit fits very well. Design is very cool looking and construction appears very solid. Have not had a chance to train in it yet but it is comfortable. Believe I made a wise choice buying this tri suit.

    • Anonymous
      2 years ago

      Thank you.

      Not one to generally write reviews but it is definitely warranted here. The suit and the sales support were both amazing. Thank you. Did a ton of research, landed on DeSoto, and would highly recommend.

    • Love this wetsuit for long course
      Jeff Fieldhack
      2 years ago

      Love this wetsuit for long course

      This wetsuit is my favorite and I have done over 75 long course events. Recently did Ironman St George and did not have single chafe or irritation. Fit under the Wave 1 wetsuit perfectly. For long course, I love the large pockets for stuffing nutrition on the bike. The small pockets on the side are perfect for salt or other small special needs for bike and especially the run. The leg fit is very nice / tight without squeezing my quads. I love the ability to lower the front zipper to help with cooling. I love the 'fli-fly' -- simple and great.

    • Rafael Arias
      4 years ago

      You can Fli in this suit!

      This is the 2nd Flisuit I ordered, although I have many other De Soto products (Riviera Fli Bib, T1 wetsuit, etc.). Living in Miami, the Skin Cooler material is perfect for our hot and humid weather. The Fli-fly makes bathroom breaks easy for longer events. I wore this in Challenge Daytona, looking forward to using it at Challenge Miami.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      4 years ago

      Great Fit

      Perfect! The fit is great and everyone was jealous of my look. Unfortunately, so far it is only "virtual". When we get out of this Covid pandemic and start racing again, I'm going to Woo all of the other guys!

    • Taylor Adams
      4 years ago

      Great Suit

      Suit is great. Very well made and love the functionality. I have a long torso but a small chest and based on the size chart was a medium. Wish I would have gotten the size large, but the medium will work.

    • Anonymous
      5 years ago

      Awesome Suit, Great Customer Service!

      By far the best one piece trisuit on the market. Chamois is super comfortable and the design is perfect with pockets in great locations. Especially love the pockets on the side of the thigh as they are great for carry a gel flask for easy access during the run. Ordered a little less than 4 weeks before Tremblant 70.3 and was getting a little nervous about having it in time for race day. Called customer service and they made sure I had it on time. Awesome Company!

    • Mark N.
      5 years ago

      Forza Flisuit

      I was very pleased with my experience with the BYOS process. My Forza Flisuit fits perfectly but is not as restrictive in the chest and shoulders as some other trisuits. I am 6'2" and 175 pounds and large fits perfectly.

    • Anonymous
      5 years ago

      Forza vs Rivera

      Excellent---I also have the Rivera and that model fits my body type better. I didn't realize the differences between the two from the details provided on site. I ultimately saw it reflected on site, but only after I bought the Forza. The sizing differences were not as transparent on site as I hoped.

    • Steven H. S. H. Steven H.
      5 years ago

      Fantastic Suit

      One of the most well constructed athletic garments i've ever worn, extremely efficient sweat wicking and high quality materials. With regards to swimming, the sleeve design causes some chafing rashes on the underside of the arms, likely due to a seam or the way that they bunch when you lift your hands over your head. This may be fixed when swimming in a wetsuit. Another small concern, perhaps due to the tighness of the suit even with the increased torso length of the BYOS, is increased pressure on the shoulders when swimming, and I wonder if that will make a significant difference at longer distances (Ironman, etc).The 7mm pad is great so far, the only improvement i might ask for would be making the pad a little wider. Since the principal reason behind going with the BYOS suit was the larger size, i don't know if it's possible to offer multiple widths/lengths of the chamois, but it feels a little undersized for me (6'6, 208 lbs). Overall these are small nitpicks offered due to the pricepoint of the suit and the already high standard that DeSoto has set for itself and the market as a whole.

    • Pawel W.
      5 years ago

      Size doesn’t fit for one piece item

      Overall I’m very pleased with your products (I mainly buy through Amazon). High quality and wears very well. I tried this one piece set and unfortunately the top part was to loose and only bottom portion felt fit. I tried to return but was told that is not possible (product is not used and have all tags). Since I’m valued customers of your products (mainly through Amazon) its very disappointing that I was not able to return this one product

    • David C.
      5 years ago

      Forza Flisuit

      Went with blue bee hive Forza Flisuit. Love the DeSoto products. Second trisuit in 5 years. First suit has held up great (about 24 races) but white fabric is getting dingy and wanted updated colors with sleeves. Was a little worried that is was too tight. I'm 5'5" 148 lbs and went with small. trained three days and then ran a full IM and was completely satisfied. No chaffing, no hot spots. Used the fli twice. Couldn't be happier with the performance.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      5 years ago

      DeSoto Forza Flisuit BYOS

      Really happy with the whole experience. They helped me pick the right size when I asked for assistance and then despite telling me it would be 4 weeks to deliver I had it within a week. Highly recommend the suit and the company.

    • Spectacular
      Bill D.
      6 years ago


      I have only used it for two workouts. One TT workout the other a 3 hour trainer ride and 30 minute run. Exceptionally comfortable, does not move. I cannot wait to race in this suit.

    • Matt P. M. P. Matt P.
      6 years ago

      Forza flisuit - great suit but not for the swim

      I love the way the Forza flisuit fits for the bike and run, but the material is too tight in the front for the swim. I had to roll it down under my swim skin and put it on in T1. I am 6'1" and 170 lb and wear a medium. Not a big deal but I bought this suit hoping it would work for the swim.

    • Anonymous
      6 years ago

      Man it’s hot out here

      Bought the right gear and I had the edge on the competion when the weather got hot... and my race was made more comfortable by wearing cooling technology... i now wear it for training as well

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      6 years ago

      Man it۪s hot out here

      Bought the right gear and I had the edge on the competion when the weather got hot... and my race was made more comfortable by wearing cooling technology... i now wear it for training as well

    • Marc M.
      6 years ago

      Great Tri-suit

      Wore this once in training, and was very impressed by the wicking ability and quick-dry nature of the fabric, and the seat pad worked very well on the saddle. Then wore it for an Olympic-distance triathlon, in rainy conditions, and again was extremely impressed by the suit's ability to keep me comfortable in these conditions (my body temperature was perfect - as if the suit was moderating both heat and cold). Post-race it dried quickly as well which was nice because I did not have a good changing area and ended up wearing home underneath sweatpants and a long-sleeve shirt, and it was not at all gross. It did stain a bit from the open water swim and contact with my wetsuit, but, that all washed out using some spray-and-wash in a cold water/delicate cycle (front-loading washer used). Overall, great product and I hope it holds up for several more races.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      6 years ago

      Consider This

      This tri suit has been the easiest suit to get on and off. High grade material and good fit make his ideal for those athletes looking for a comfortable high end tri suit.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      6 years ago

      Forza Flisuit Sleeved great for long distance racing

      Super comfortable--love it and have used it in both a 1/2 and fulls. Used in hot weather and was great. Sleeves great for shielding sun. Great under a wetsuit, too. Pad is comfortable for riding and not noticeable on the run. Stays perfectly in place without being too tight. Legs do not ride up. Can move front zipper to get some cooling. Fli-fly works great as advertised. Pockets need some practice to find. but, once wearing it a couple times, tons of places to stuff salt or food. I have loved it for distance tris.

    • Theodore V.
      7 years ago

      Ted Volz Purchase of Forza Flysuit---sleeved BYO

      Outstanding experience, appreciate the flexibility and customer service orientation. Looking forward to racing in my new FORZA FLISUIT

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      7 years ago


      Excellent. Question...? there or are you planning a sleeveless so please advise...I want one or two...thanks!...rick coles

    • Anonymous
      7 years ago


      Excellent. there or are you planning a sleeveless so please advise...I want one or two...thanks!...rick coles

    • Ross G. R. G. Ross G.
      7 years ago

      Forza Flisuit Sleeved

      Excellent long course tri suit. At 5'9", 160lbs the medium fit well. Testing grounds - Kona. Did not notice excess shoulder fatigue wearing sleeved suit under my swimskin and was straight to the bike with no fuss after smooth transition. Chamois was comfortable on bike and run. Pockets were well thought out and placed. Able to take Gatorade hand up for bta and water bottle hand up for rear center pocket of suit at each aid station. Having cold bottle against my lower spine in the heat was added utility. "Fly" was tested and functional for quick relief without breaking aero position on the bike. Pockets were well constructed and able to hold all my gels/electrolytes for run. Could have easily carried gel flasks as well. I only wish my overall performance in the race could have been as solid as this suit. Step up from my last LG sleeved suit which I loved and blew away HUUB LS suit I trailed at 70.3 worlds. Hats off to Emilio and crew at DeSoto for another well thought out and well constructed addition to my DeSoto arsenal.

    • Cameron S.
      7 years ago

      Awesome piece of gear

      Having used De Soto products to race in for the past 15 years, this piece is certainly my favourite. Great fit, great design, lightweight and using the best fabrics, I hardly noticed that I was wearing it at all. It doesn't chafe like other suits I have tried and - true to all De Soto products - shows that the people who design the products are athletes and know what they are doing. Also loved how Emilio took control of some specific colours I wanted and it came exactly as I had specified. Try one, then buy one. You won't be disappointed.

    • Brian L. B. L. Brian L.
      7 years ago

      Great product and great service

      Emilio helped me out in getting the right size, and I love the suit. It was also shipped quicker than expected. Thanks!!

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