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Traje de baño Riviera Flisuit™ para hombre

48 reviews

Precio habitual €306,95


Tabla de tallas


Altura Peso Cintura Pecho Caderas
X-Pequeño < 5'6" pulgadas / < 168 cm 135 libras / 61 kg 22”-24” pulgadas / 56-61 cm < 37” pulgadas / < 94 cm
Pequeño 5'6”-5'8” pulgadas / 168-173 cm 145 libras / 66 kg 24”-27” pulgadas / 61-69 cm 37”-39” pulgadas / 94-99 cm < 34" pulgadas / < 86 cm
Medio 5'9" pulgadas / 175-180 cm 165 libras / 75 kg 27”-32” pulgadas / 69-81 cm 39”-42” pulgadas / 99-107 cm 34"-38" pulgadas / 86-96 cm
Grande 6'0" pulgadas / 183-188 cm 195 libras / 88 kg 32”-35” pulgadas / 81-89 cm 42”-45” pulgadas / 107-114 cm 38"-42" pulgadas / 96-106 cm
Extra grande 6'2" pulgadas / 191-196 cm 215 libras / 98 kg 35”-41” pulgadas / 89-104 cm 45”-48” pulgadas / 114-122 cm 42"-47" pulgadas / 106-119 cm
XX-Grande 6'5" pulgadas / 197 cm + 235 libras / 107 kg 42” pulgadas + / 105 cm + 49 pulgadas + / 123 cm + 48" pulgadas + / 121 cm +

La tabla de tallas que aparece más arriba debe servir como guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar la talla adecuada, envíe la siguiente información a .

PESO: La precisión nos ayuda a brindarle un tamaño más preciso.
PECHO: Parte más ancha del pecho, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - NO es la misma que la talla de cintura de tus pantalones.
CADERAS: circunferencia medida en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, se mide unos centímetros por debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más ancha de los glúteos.

Si no tienes una cinta métrica y necesitas algo para medir, usa un cinturón, un cable de alimentación de teléfono inteligente y una regla.
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Debido al abrumador número actual de pedidos, espere 24 horas a partir de la fecha de su pedido para que este producto salga de nuestro almacén. Los sábados y domingos están excluidos ya que cerramos los fines de semana.

¡El primer traje de triatlón y traje de piel con bragueta del mundo! Por último, puedes tener alivio en el baño sin tener que abrir la cremallera ni desvestirte.

¡La comodidad, el rendimiento y la funcionalidad que te encantan en nuestros pantalones cortos Riviera Tri y Tri Bib ahora están disponibles en este increíble tritraje Riviera con mangas!

Dimensionamiento: Consulta el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener orientación sobre las tallas.
Tipo de ajuste:
Nota sobre el ajuste:
la ropa de triatlón está diseñada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y resistencias innecesarias durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no te sientes cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o estás entre tallas, te recomendamos una talla más grande. La prenda se relajará ligeramente una vez mojada. Si tienes un torso más largo te recomendamos usar el Forza Flisuit FFT

Características y beneficios:

  • Bragueta oculta Fli-fly™ justo encima de la almohadilla, al frente para un rápido “alivio” en el baño sobre la marcha.
  • Cremallera recta de 16" (eliminamos la Snake-Zip) para facilitar la ventilación mientras viaja
  • Pad integrado Clásico de 7 mm tiene elasticidad en 4 direcciones, es suave al tacto, No tiene costuras para eliminar las rozaduras y ofrece propiedades antimicrobianas.
  • Entrepierna 1" más larga que la versión anterior (RTTS)
  • Los paneles de piernas Forza™ Compressor ayudan a reducir la fatiga muscular de aparición tardía
  • La cómoda banda de compresión Mobius™ de 3 pulgadas ofrece una compresión igualmente graduada alrededor de las piernas, para que obtengas el mismo soporte sin tensión ni apretones.
  • La tela Skin Cooler 90™ en toda la parte superior del cuerpo y en cualquier parte de la prenda que tenga el diseño impreso te mantendrá fresco y cómodo.
  • ¡Los paneles centrales Liftfoil3™ hacen que nadar sin traje de neopreno sea más rápido!
  • Dos bolsillos "nadables", uno al costado de cada pierna. Estos bolsillos son hidrodinámicos al nadar sin traje de neopreno y brindan soluciones de almacenamiento para la bicicleta y la carrera.
  • Paneles negros en el área de la entrepierna para eliminar las marcas del sillín y ofrecer una apariencia favorecedora.
  • ¡Nade, ande en bicicleta y corra cómodamente sin cambiarse! Corre con este kit debajo de tu traje de neopreno o sin traje de neopreno.
  • Esta innovación respetuosa con el medio ambiente está completamente libre de disolventes y los tintes utilizados no tienen COV.
  • No recomendado para uso repetido en una piscina clorada.
  • Legal del WTC
  • Hecho en EE.UU

GRANDES NOTICIAS: Los tritrajes con mangas ahora son legales para su uso en carreras Ironman y 70.3, y siguen siendo legales en muchas otras carreras que no son propiedad del WTC. Este tritraje fue diseñado precisamente para este propósito, teniendo como factor la hidrodinámica, no solo la aerodinámica. 

Largos de entrepierna:
  • Pequeño: 9" (22,86 cm)
  • Mediano: 9,5" (24,13 cm)
  • Grande: 10” (25,40 cm)
  • Extragrande: 10,5" (26,67 cm).

¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás instantáneamente la sensación de frescor. Mójalo y notarás una bajada de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Llevo unos meses usándolos y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Todos los pacientes que atiendo padecen carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos a diario. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas de refrigeración y protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

Nota: Ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que la clasificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.


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  • Paul Cada
    10 months ago

    Great suite for a 70.3

    I bought this suite to run the St. George 70.3 This suite was well constructed an very comfortable for the race of that distance. The lighter color was also really nice for a hot race day and the material breathed very well.

  • Kevin Bree
    1 year ago

    Tri suit

    The highest quality and most stylish Tri suit out there. Fits like a glove and breathes very well. I’m ordering another one in a different color soon!

  • Jeffrey Nelson
    1 year ago

    Great trisuit

    Nice fit. Much better than the forza. DeSoto team very helpful at making exchange. Very comfortable for my first full ironman. No chaffing. Pad was adequate on the bike. Tons of pocket space. The fly made multiple pit stops a breeze. No regrets

  • Jeff Meads
    1 year ago

    Riviera FliSuit - Perfect Trisuit!

    The Riveria Trisuit is AWESOME! Love the fli feature for sure but just overall a great fit and feel for the longer distance triathlon's. Super comfy and the fit is especially great as it just doesn't weigh you down in the later stages of the races. Highly highly recommend!

  • Rich Gienopie
    1 year ago

    Love it so far!

    I had an older DeSoto suit but it had been a couple years since I last raced and wanted a new one. This is so much better than my old one. Swim in salt water chafe free (a first in all my years). I’ve done two races since coming back and podiumed in both. The suit may not be totally the reason but it certainly did not detract from the racing at all, which is what it should do… perform without distraction. For fear of it wearing out, I save it for racing (and pre-race) only but I really would wear it for every brick workout if I could (and if the replacement cost was a bit more manageable).

  • michiel telkamp
    1 year ago

    Riviera Flisuit

    I like how supported I feel in the suit it's really comfortable to ride and run in. Katie at Desoto was able to dial me into the correct size, great customer experience for me.

  • Passed the IM test, fantastic suit
    JD J. JD
    2 years ago

    Passed the IM test, fantastic suit

    Highly recommend based on experience training with this suit and completing Ironman Florida. I went with Large, I’m 6’ and 190 lbs. No chafing, no saddle sores, the fly concept worked beautifully during T2 for a quick pit stop. Leg pockets held secure flask and gels on ride and run. Also, I probably got 10+ compliments from spectators who loved the kit. Really does stand out. One thing to note on the fly, I was a little concerned since it tended to “pucker open” during aero, however there was no exposure risk. Compression feel on quads was also apparent and worked well, no cramps or lock ups in the quad or hammy.

  • Amazing Tri Suit and Brand!
    Christian Klammt
    2 years ago

    Amazing Tri Suit and Brand!

    Just completed my first Spring Tri and came in 3rd in my age group. The Tri suit worked perfectly, dried quickly and felt great on the bike and the run. As a little bonus Mr. De Soto himself did hello at the event after seeing me in the suit. I can highly recommend the De Soto and this Tri suit!!!

  • Best Tri suit out there
    2 years ago

    Best Tri suit out there

    Wore it for two tris now. Very comfortable, doesn’t pinch or rub. Perfect amount of pad in seat. Like second skin. This is my second suit from De Soto. Love them

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    New suit

    I really like this Suit, the fabric is awesome, and the pockets are perfect. Thats the problem with most tri-suits ,they don’t have enough pockets or big enough pockets this one has both.

  • Simply the Best
    Peter Reisel
    2 years ago

    Simply the Best

    Great trisuit!All together- functionality, comfort and design. It’s my first trisuit, but after the first competition I can only recommend desoto to everyone!

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Great Suit!

    Great suit, survived a bike crash with minor damage to the suit! Had to sew velcro for the fly, to be on the safe side :)

  • Perfect Fit
    2 years ago

    Perfect Fit

    I did my first race in the Flisuit over the weekend and here are the main takeaways: it dries fast, has plenty of padding for the bike, but not too much when running. I hardly noticed I was wearing it most of the time. It's a pretty stylish looking kit too. I wear a men's small (5'9", 145lbs.) and it fit me perfectly.

  • Ironman Texas!!!
    Adam Parker Parker A. P. P. Adam P. P.
    2 years ago

    Ironman Texas!!!

    DeSoto created an incredible tri suit for an incredibly warm IronMan. The suit's design left me free from chafing and equally cool on the bike and run!!! The great thing about the suit is the bright colors and unique design!!! Having the open fly for a quick bathroom break did come in handy!!

  • Thomas Ludwig
    3 years ago

    Riviera Flisuit

    This is my new favorite tri suit. Love the feel of the fabric, no chafing, and it fits well. I’m 6’1” and 193 lbs with long legs, a shorter torso and broader chest and shoulders. The L fits me well - snug like a tri suit should be but not restricting my movement. The fly feature makes pre-race hydration a breeze!

  • John Sherman J. S. John S.
    3 years ago

    Excellent Tri Suit

    After trying many different triathlon suits, the De Soto suit fit me the best. In addition to that, the features that this suit has are top notch. I’m very thankful for the design of the chamois as well as the side pockets. I’m also very impressed with the level of customer service that this company brings to the table. Emilio and his team went above and beyond to make sure that my tri suits fit right, arrived on time, and designed it with me in mind. I have trained in the suits, and I know they will perform very well during race day. I recommend this suit to anyone who wants a suit that is above and beyond. A job well done to the entire De Soto team.

  • Carlos Hernandorena C. H. Carlos H.
    3 years ago

    Super comfortable

    So far, I am loving my De Soto Riviera tri suit. It has the slightly thicker cycling pad I was looking for but doesn’t feel cumbersome during the run. I have only used it for an Olympic triathlon so far with excellent results and plan to use it for a half Ironman and full Ironman later this year. Looking forward to seeing how it performs during these races.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    First 70.3 & Worlds Qualified

    Have only had experience with top end cycling clothing (assos, rapha etc.) and find the Riviera Flisuit to be the most comfortable piece of kit I have ever owned. Unlike some of the competitors offerings (which I have also tried) Desoto really has perfected the chamois for comfort on the bike leg. Can't imagine doing a 70.3 or longer in some of the coarse "aero" fabrics out there.

  • David Katz D. K. David K.
    3 years ago

    Outstanding product and service

    Compressive yet comfortable. Love the fly design. Great company to deal with and outstanding customer service.

  • Matthew B
    4 years ago

    Fantastic suit

    Excellent quality, fits great, pad is really comfortable on Ironman distance, best suit I’ve had

  • Jordan Lull J. L. Jordan L.
    4 years ago

    Fantastic as usual

    Roka, Castelli, etc. all tried, good but not at this level of quality. Best material, great fit. Order true to size, and no the fly won’t open

  • Mario A Rodriguez M
    4 years ago


    I’m very glad to confirm the quality of this trisuit, comfortable and beautiful design !!!

  • Jeff Marshall
    5 years ago

    Great costumer service

    The suit fits great, after sending my body measurements to costumers service, they help me get the right size.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Great suite

    It was great, my only issue which might just be in my head is the paranoia of the fly letting something slip out

  • David Matheson
    5 years ago

    Best tri kit ever!

    I competed in the Ironman Hawaii 1 week ago and wore the Riviera Flisuit, Retro design. During the race, I got a ton of compliments on the design. One spectator said it the was best looking kit he'd seen all day! Most importantly for me is the quality of the suit. This De Soto kit has by far the highest quality material I have ever worn. It is clear that the company takes quality workmanship very seriously. The fit was perfect and the material felt like silk! The 4mm pad was perfect for triathlon and not too thick for running. It fit nicely under my swim skin, by folding the top half by my waist and then quickly zipping it up after the swim. I couldn't even tell it was under the swim skin. There was no chaffing whatsoever, which is very rare in Kona given all the heat and sweat. Furthermore, the skin cooler material is amazing. I stayed much cooler in this suit by keeping it wet than any other kit I've used in Kona and keeping the core body temperature as low as possible is very important in any hot weather race. For me, there is no other choice for a race kit. Truly awesome product and I'll be getting another one for next season!

  • Keith H. K. H. Keith H.
    5 years ago

    Great Tri Suit

    This suit is incredibly well made. The workmanship and attention to detail are obvious. The fit is close enough for good aerodynamics but not so tight as to be uncomfortable. Once you see and use the built in fly, it seems like a “no brainer” kind of feature that all Tri suit manufacturers would incorporate.

  • Donavon Lewis
    5 years ago

    All day IM distance comfort kit with whistles and bells

    I wanted to provide a review after race day to give an accurate account after IM race number 9. Here are my thoughts thinking about other brands in the past to this kit. 1. The kit just looks great. My Sherpa's found me with ease in the crowds. The patterns and color combinations are great. 2. The Kit stitching and fabric durability is incredible. This kit adapts where you need it. A small tug on the stitching and it relaxes where you need it. 3. The pee hole for guys (the fly) ... this is amazing in the mornings after you have already 'gone to the bathroom' and need to pee 600 times before you race. 4. Very comfortable to bike and run in, the kit moves with you, not against. 5. POCKETS!!!!! Enuff said. The pockets held my 10oz nutrition bottle. Let that sink in. No more Batman looking fuel belt !!!! 6. Built in sun screen. In Boulder, my legs were burned but not anywhere the kit covered me. 7. The kit breathes and helps regulate your core temp. I didn't have to dump a lot of ice in my kit like others in the past. 8. The legs nor arms didn’t ride up anytime during the race. 9. No chafing .... anywhere 10. Low cut neck with protected zipper very comfortable. 11. The pad did NOT feel like a diaper at all during the run. It's very obvious DeSoto listens to the athletes and are athletes themselves. Well thought out kit. I highly recommend the kit for anyone looking to do a sprint or IM distance race. It was perfect! Thanks to the DeSoto team !!!

  • Sean L.
    6 years ago

    Great Suit

    I didn't write a review right away after purchasing the suit because I wanted to make sure it was everything I wanted before deciding to return it or keep it. Well I'm keeping it after using it for a half marathon run, a half ironman, and a sprint. The suit really excels when wet. On a hot day in Texas, I just kept pouring water on the suit and it kept me much cooler than other suits I've used in the past. The quality is excellent and the only reason I thought about returning it is fit. I'm tall and slender, so finding a suit (made by anyone) is a bit of a problem. They are either too short or too baggy. Luckily DeSoto has some great owners that will help you with sizing. It did take a few wearings before the suit fit me well, and the material definitely relaxes after it's wet. The suit isn't going to magically stretch an inch or more, but if you just need another quarter inch to half inch, wear the suit a few times and it'll fit nicely. I'd definitely buy from this brand again.

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