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Camiseta de manga larga Skin Cooler para hombre

75 reviews

Precio habitual €78,95


Tabla de tallas


Altura Peso Cintura Pecho Caderas
X-Pequeño < 5'6" pulgadas / < 168 cm 135 libras / 61 kg 22”-24” pulgadas / 56-61 cm < 37” pulgadas / < 94 cm
Pequeño 5'6”-5'8” pulgadas / 168-173 cm 145 libras / 66 kg 24”-27” pulgadas / 61-69 cm 37”-39” pulgadas / 94-99 cm < 34" pulgadas / < 86 cm
Medio 5'9" pulgadas / 175-180 cm 165 libras / 75 kg 27”-32” pulgadas / 69-81 cm 39”-42” pulgadas / 99-107 cm 34"-38" pulgadas / 86-96 cm
Grande 6'0" pulgadas / 183-188 cm 195 libras / 88 kg 32”-35” pulgadas / 81-89 cm 42”-45” pulgadas / 107-114 cm 38"-42" pulgadas / 96-106 cm
Extra grande 6'2" pulgadas / 191-196 cm 215 libras / 98 kg 35”-41” pulgadas / 89-104 cm 45”-48” pulgadas / 114-122 cm 42"-47" pulgadas / 106-119 cm
XX-Grande 6'5" pulgadas / 197 cm + 235 libras / 107 kg 42” pulgadas + / 105 cm + 49 pulgadas + / 123 cm + 48" pulgadas + / 121 cm +

La tabla de tallas que aparece más arriba debe servir como guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar la talla adecuada, envíe la siguiente información a .

PESO: La precisión nos ayuda a brindarle un tamaño más preciso.
PECHO: Parte más ancha del pecho, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - NO es la misma que la talla de cintura de tus pantalones.
CADERAS: circunferencia medida en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, se mide unos centímetros por debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más ancha de los glúteos.

Si no tienes una cinta métrica y necesitas algo para medir, usa un cinturón, un cable de alimentación de teléfono inteligente y una regla.
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El Skin Cooler Longsleeve es una camiseta de triatlón de manga completa; ceñido al cuerpo y sin cremallera. Está creado con nuestro tejido Skin Cooler 90 y cuenta con 3 bolsillos verticales para mantenerte fresco y cómodo mientras te protege de los dañinos rayos UV. Es una camiseta IMPRESCINDIBLE para cualquier actividad en climas cálidos.

Tallas: consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener orientación sobre las tallas.
Tipo de ajuste: Ajuste de forma

Nota de ajuste: no asuma su talla, utilice nuestra tabla de tallas. En caso de duda, envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a La ropa de triatlón está diseñada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y resistencias innecesarias durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no te sientes cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o estás entre tallas, te recomendamos una talla más grande. La prenda te quedará más ajustada la primera vez que te la pongas y se relajará ligeramente una vez mojada. 

Las funciones favoritas permanecen :

  • El tejido elástico Skin Cooler 90™ bloquea el 90 % de los rayos UVB y al mismo tiempo crea una sensación refrescante que realmente te mantiene más fresco.
  • La tecnología de enfriamiento está integrada en la tela y NO se lava, lo que contrasta la diferencia con muchos otros productos "similares" en el mercado.
  • Nuestro top más largo para quienes tienen torsos largos o necesitan más cobertura.
  • Mangas largas para refrescarse y protegerse del sol en los brazos.
  • Tres bolsillos verticales para geles nutritivos, hielo o esponjas frías comúnmente disponibles en los avituallamientos de triatlones y carreras de larga resistencia. Los bolsillos se alinean a lo largo de la columna y están diseñados para ayudar a refrescar el cuerpo.
    • Puede que estés acostumbrado a usar sólo el bolsillo inferior de tu camiseta actual, pero rápidamente descubrirás que el bolsillo superior es ideal para llevar gafas de sol, un teléfono móvil o tu reproductor de mp3.
    • El bolsillo central puede requerir la ayuda del puesto de socorro o un poco más de flexibilidad por parte del usuario.
    • Los bolsillos no están diseñados para transportar peso excesivo, como botellas de agua, frascos de gel o cualquier peso comparable.
  • Esta no es una prenda de compresión, pero se supone que debe ajustarse cómodamente por motivos aerodinámicos. Aunque está diseñado para usarse solo y funciona mejor de esa manera, puedes usarlo sobre o debajo de cualquier camiseta de triatlón, traje de triatlón, camiseta de ciclismo, camiseta de golf o camiseta de tenis, ¡y realmente estarás más fresco!
  • Las costuras desplazadas eliminan la posibilidad de rozaduras.
  • Esta prenda no está diseñada para uso repetido en una piscina con cloro.
  • Hecho en los EE.UU.
  • Muchas veces somos imitados. Recuerda que el hecho de que sea blanca no significa que la tela te refresque. ¡SIGUE LEYENDO!


¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través del Biomímesis tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás instantáneamente la sensación de frescor. Mójalo y notarás una bajada de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Llevo unos meses usándolos y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Todos los pacientes que atiendo padecen carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos a diario. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas de refrigeración y protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

Nota: Ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que la clasificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.


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  • Chris Metaxas
    3 weeks ago

    No comparison to the Skin Cooler Fabric!

    I just finished a 2 day all day stage trail race in AZ near Phoenix - Both days the weather was identical - clear skies, 85-88 degrees, desert sun in the peak afternoon. One day I used the De Soto Skin Cooler Arm Coolers and the other day I used a competitors white UV sun sleeve - not even a close comparison, the DeSoto Arm Coolers were hands down way more effective at topical cooling in the desert heat, comfortable and yes very cooling whether wet or dry. The other high end brand didn’t even come close to De Soto, in fact I had to remove and stash away the other brand arm sleeves to manage the heat as they kept getting warm and stuffy feeling once they were dry. This De Soto skin cooler fabric actually works, provided topical cooling and kept me comfortable in the heat, were very durable (hit the dirt and rocks once after tripping, and the odd cactus leaning over the trail didn’t pull the fabric) and felt light on the arms - these are long endurance races and the arm sleeves never became an irritant at the cuff I’m definitely sticking with De Soto for my future hot weather gear purchases. Also De Soto customer service was also excellent - they were fast and friendly to respond helping with sizing recommendations and other questions.

  • NJD
    5 months ago

    This shirt works!

    In the world of athletic apparel, new fabrics promise much but only occasionally deliver. In 30+ years of buying, selling, wearing and repairing almost every proprietary fabric from manufacturers big and small, just a few stand out as being truly revolutionary. The skin cooler fabric in this top is one of them. From the moment I put this shirt on, I could feel the cooling effect of the fabric. This was accentuated by the slightest breeze; even from the motion of swinging my arms or walking. The fit of the shirt matches its purpose; there is no billowy excess or saggy gaps. For my slim build (6' tall, 150 lbs) the size small fit snug without pulling or pinching. This was also true at critical areas like the neck opening, armpits, and elbows - the cut of the fabric did not restrict, and had just enough give to allow flexing and bending for comfort in the aero position or for reaching around to the pockets in back. As with all DeSoto garments, construction is top-notch. Significantly, the quality of the fabric, detail of the stitching, and patterning of the shirt are all just as good as the skin cooler tri tank I bought several years ago. To me, this speaks to the consistency of quality control over a span of many years. Sadly, there are a lot of other athletic brands with big names and long pedigrees whose quality has suffered lately. Not sure if this is due to Covid-induced supply line disruptions or labor shortages or a change in business model to maximize profits. Regardless of the reason, having confidence that the product I am investing in, especially when buying sight-unseen online, will be worth the money and the hassle of ordering, is important to me. I have only had this shirt a short time, so durability is untested. The aforementioned tri-top is several years old and still going strong. If you are in the market for a form-fitting performance shirt with sun protection, I can vouch for DeSoto's men's skin cooler long sleeve top.

  • Andrew Kantor
    9 months ago

    Amazing for hiking Rim to Rim

    I use this when hiking from the north rim to South rim (Grand Canyon) in over 110° temperatures amazing product

    9 months ago

    Perfect skin cooler top

    I have purchased several of these cooler sleeve tops for my son, who is an Ironman Triathlete. He loves them!!!

  • Tess McMichael
    10 months ago

    Hands down best company ever!!

    I cannot speak highly enough for the excellent service from this company. They truly go above and beyond for their customers. I had an unfortunate experience of needing a shirt overnight , I emailed the website, and Mr. De Soto responded back to my right away, even though it was after hours, and he was with family. He assured me that he would make sure personally that my shirt would be sent out the very next day and he did. He emailed me to confirm that it was sent. I got it just in time before my travel for an ultramarathon with temps at 115° with the heat index. Again, hands down and thank you to the De Soto company for their exceptional customer care and products!!!

  • Jeff Spencer
    1 year ago

    ❤️ Skin Cooler long sleeve works well on trail runs

    This is my 4th DeSoto long sleeve skin cooler. I bought my 1st one for long bike rides (Ironman training) ….the past few years my focus switched to Ultra-Running. Spending days in the AZ sun I have enjoyed the sun protection and cooling….the spine pockets are handy too for snacks:) 5 Stars

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Skin cooler top

    This is not my first skin cooler purchase. People look at me funny when I’m wearing long sleeves and sometimes legs on a hot day. I don’t care because it’s like riding in air conditioned comfort and it blocks those harmful rays. Great product!

  • Rich Gienopie
    1 year ago

    I have tried and tried, but it's not worth it

    I had the old version of this and the wings, the all white ones with the waffle-like fabric and love them both. The shirt got a hole in the elbow so I replaced it with the "new" and "better" version. I only wear these shirts when it's extra hot, so it's only periodic. I switch around between the old wings and shirt with the waffle fabric and this new one. Every time I wear the new one I feel like it's doing nothing more than any other skin tight thin shirt would do against my skin. Only when there is a legit breeze do I feel any cooling effect. However, with the old one, the swinging motion of my arms generates enough "breeze" to effectively cool even though the air was "still." It's been almost two years (time flies!) and I've tried and tried to like this, rotating between old and new, but I am finally giving up and submitting this review.

  • Josh
    1 year ago

    Buy 3 of these, today

    I'm currently training for my 8th Ironman. The miles are started to rack up and the temperature is only getting hotter. I took a chance on the long sleeve skin cooler shirt and tried it out today. I live in a place where it's already over 90° in May, so I was really hoping this did the trick. Let me tell you this... It was 91° in the sun just now for my run, and my numbers usually fall off a cliff when it's that hot out. I just ran like it was in the low 70's and fell fantastic afterwards, when I'm usually totally drained from getting beaten down by the sun. I got home and immediately shared my experience to a few runner friends of mine, then ordered another one for myself. If you suffer when running in the heat, this is 100% for you. It's like a cheat code for summer running.

  • Amazing top kept me both warm and cool
    Bill Ducasse B. D. Bill D.
    2 years ago

    Amazing top kept me both warm and cool

    It was a cold windy day. while waiting 30 minutes to start the race the top kept me warm, and once the race started and i was sweating, the top kept me cool. I don't normally wear sleeves but this will be a new base layer for me in the cold New England winter. and cooler half marathons that i have coming up.

  • Mark Theiding
    2 years ago

    My favorite jersey

    This jersey is awesome. Never had anything this comfortable and adoptable temperature wise. Three pockets are excellent when I carry a lot of food. And the design is finally a change from the boring standard designs. And I hate zippers - having no zippers is such a big plus. And it’s actually long enough and doesn’t ride up all the time.

  • Perfect for hot weather and sun
    Russ Reinbolt R. R. Russ R.
    2 years ago

    Perfect for hot weather and sun

    Ideal garment for hot weather racing and training as well as protection from blazing sun. Lightweight. Breathable. Stylish.

  • Joe Frost
    2 years ago

    Good sun protection, good fit, very durable

    I’m 6’ 3”, 190#’s with long arms and the large fits perfectly. I abused my skin when I was a teenager and am trying to limit further damage now. This top works great for cycling in the hot Florida sun. I’ve worn it many dozens of times and it’s still in very good shape. I like it enough to have purchased a second one FWIW. I don’t find it as cool as a regular short sleeved cycling jersey with the zipper down….but 90 degrees and high humidity is a pretty severe test for any long sleeved top. If the fabric was overall lighter and some mesh on the insides of the arms it might be a bit cooler but not really sure what goes in to making something like this. Overall it’s the best option I’ve found and my go-to all spring/summer/and fall. For the performance, full retail seems like a pretty decent deal as far as value too.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Skin cooler does actually make me feel cooler!!!

    Live in Texas so I thought this shirt might make my hot summer rides a little more bearable. Pleasantly surprised that it has. Next time they're on sale I'll buy a couple more.

  • Thoughtful design
    2 years ago

    Thoughtful design

    Best purchase hands down I did a 24 hour ride. I didn’t catch any sun with the great sleeves. The 3 pockets were perfect for cooling ice bags. Big enough for a phone on other rides. It runs fresh and not hot and sticky like some other materials.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Perfect summer base layer

    Cooling fabric works well for cycling. After several decades, my arms have seen enough sun for one lifetime.

  • James McDermott
    3 years ago

    Skin cooler long sleeve top

    Great top for warm Florida runs. It does what it says. Once you start to sweat , it cools you.

  • Skin cooler top
    Gregory Buck G. B. Gregory B.
    3 years ago

    Skin cooler top

    Works as advertised. I use this during hot / sunny days and it helps to keep you cool while providing protection from the sun. Used this top during IM Maryland, nice not having to worry about sunscreen on arms / back. Long enough to cover the lower back unlike many other tri tops. Excellent quality.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago


    What a great shirt. This small package arrived one afternoon and in the evening I was pulling it on for a run. It felt great, but it took another run in the late evening sun a couple days later for me to really feel how this shirt and the fabric work. In a sub-tropical climate where I can run and feel comfortable during and after and connect that feeling to a shirt is great. The long sleeves are a bonus for anyone looking to help protect their skin too.

  • Dave Ramsay
    3 years ago

    Customer delight at its best

    I have found that after many decades of sun exposure my forearms have been getting more sensitive to long rides(I am 57). With temperatures rising I contacted Emilio about his Skin Cooler Long Sleeve Top. He got me sized properly, answered all my questions and got me a top in a timely manner so that I was able to ride and run comfortably in 35-40 degrees Celsius. An added benefit was that once I started to sweat, I felt the cooling effect. This product has been a game changer for me as I love doing 5-7 hour rides, and 2 hour runs, but also want to be protected. Great product, great service, great company. I also love my T1 wetsuit.

  • daron whisman D. W. daron w.
    3 years ago

    Humidity Salvation

    Run in West Houston and humidity is 80% plus at times so I thought I would try the long sleeve shirt to see if it really cooled. Used this for a one and a half hour run. First of the run I noticed I wasn’t sweating as much so throughout the run I didn’t really notice any difference but that is the thing because at the end when I took the shirt off I was amazed at how much water it did retained and how much cooler I felt. No doubt not and air conditioning experience on the run but something else not to worry about. Also like the idea of it covering my arms for UV protection. The back three pockets are great for sponges or ice so you can pull out during the run. I will probably buy another so I can rotate this out. I highly recommend without any reservations as training for first full IRONMAN in October. Run well and run free :-)

  • Skin Cooler Top n Sleeves.. so great!
    Robert Volk
    3 years ago

    Skin Cooler Top n Sleeves.. so great!

    Skin Cooler tops are my favorite jerseys now! It really does keep you much cooler, especially when wet. Great tight fit to makes for great aero on the bike. Highly Recommend!

  • Heat running shirt is wonderful!
    Anonymous A. Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Heat running shirt is wonderful!

    My first 50 mile race was awesome because of this shirt. It pulls the heat away and protected me from the sun and other elements. I did have rub marks on the back from my UD fuel vest which I hope to move to holes but I’m confident I will get a significant number of races in before that time comes. Highly recommend this shirt for long distance ultra running!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    De Soto Skin Cooler Top

    The Skin Cooler Top is awesome and should be staple of your work out gear. Great sweat wicking properties, great fit and finish and awesome style. Liked it so much, I bought a second one....Highly Recommended.

  • Bill Boehle B. B. Bill B.
    4 years ago

    skin cooler long sleeve

    Love the material. New design is very cool. I have a plain white one as well but this one looks good as the outer layer. Wish the arms weren't so long.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Great long sleeve jersey top for running or base layer for cycling. Awesome functionality and great style. Highly recommended.

  • Jim Luce J. L. Jim L.
    4 years ago

    Amazing shirt!!

    A good friend recommended the Skin Cooler Long Sleeve Top when we were mountain biking through the summer. In mid-August, I purchased two of these shirts before heading on a trip to Moab. It was 100+ degrees all week and the shirts were absolutely amazing! It felt like I was wearing an air conditioner. I highly recommend these to anyone and everyone!

  • Dan Ellis
    4 years ago

    Excellent shirt!

    I really like the shirt, but runs very small! Not close to reall XXL.

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