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Camiseta de manga larga para mujer Skin Cooler

74 reviews

Precio habitual $ 120.00


Tabla de tallas


Busto Cintura Caderas
X-pequeño 31"- 33"in / <79 - 84 cm 22"- 24" pulgadas / 56 - 61 cm 30”- 33” pulgadas / 76 - 84 cm
Pequeño 34"- 36" pulgadas / 86 - 91 cm 25"- 27" pulgadas / 65 - 69 cm 34”- 35” pulgadas / 86 - 89 cm
Medio 37"-39" pulgadas / 94 - 99 cm 28"-30" pulgadas / 70 - 77 cm 36”- 38” pulgadas / 91 - 97 cm
Grande 40"- 42" pulgadas / 101 - 107 cm 31"- 33" pulgadas / 79 - 84 cm 39”- 41” pulgadas / 99 - 104 cm
extragrande 42"- 44" pulgadas / 107 - 112 cm 34"-36" pulgadas / 86 - 91 cm 42”- 44” pulgadas / 107 - 112 cm
XX-Grande 44"+ pulg / 112 cm + 36"- 38" pulgadas / 92 - 97 cm 44”- 46" pulgadas / 112 - 117 cm

La tabla de tallas anterior debe servir como una guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar el tamaño adecuado, envíe la siguiente información a .

BUSTO: parte más completa del seno, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - esto NO es lo mismo que el tamaño de la cintura de sus pantalones.
CADERAS: la circunferencia se mide en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, esto medirá solo unas pocas pulgadas debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más grande de los glúteos.

Si no tiene una cinta métrica y necesita algo con lo que medir, use un cinturón o el cable de alimentación de un teléfono inteligente y una regla.
Este artículo se envía gratis dentro de los EE. UU.
Señoras, construimos este top para que se ajuste como una segunda piel mientras brinda protección contra los dañinos rayos UV y una sensación refrescante cuando está mojado. Los 2 bolsillos verticales a lo largo del lomo contienen elementos esenciales livianos (gu, id, cc, llave) o esponjas/hielo de las estaciones de ayuda para brindar enfriamiento adicional.
Dimensionamiento: Consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener una guía de tallas.

Tipo de ajuste: ajustado a la forma.

Ajuste Nota: no asuma que su talla es la misma que en años anteriores, utilice nuestra tabla de tallas y, en caso de duda, envíenos un correo electrónico a: La ropa de triatlón está pensada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y arrastres innecesarios durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no se siente cómodo con este tipo de calce o está entre tallas, le recomendamos que se ajuste a una talla más grande. La prenda quedará más ajustada la primera vez que se la ponga, se relajará un poco una vez mojada.

Características y Beneficios:

  • El tejido elástico Skin Cooler 90™ bloquea el 90 % de los rayos UVB mientras crea una sensación refrescante que realmente te mantiene más fresco.
  • La tecnología de enfriamiento está incrustada en la tela y NO se lavará, lo que contrasta con la diferencia con muchos otros productos "similares" en el mercado.
  • Dos bolsillos verticales para geles nutritivos, hielo o esponjas frías comúnmente disponibles en las estaciones de ayuda en triatlones y carreras de larga duración.
    • Los bolsillos se alinean a lo largo de la columna y están diseñados para ayudar a refrescar el cuerpo.
    • Los bolsillos no están diseñados para llevar un peso excesivo, como botellas de agua, frascos de gel o cualquier otro peso comparable.
  • Las costuras desplazadas eliminan la posibilidad de rozaduras.
  • Esta no es una prenda de compresión, pero se supone que debe quedar ceñida, por motivos aerodinámicos. Aunque está diseñado para usarse solo y funciona mejor de esa manera, puede usarlo encima o debajo de cualquier camiseta de triatlón, traje de triatlón, camiseta de ciclismo, camiseta de golf o camiseta de tenis, ¡y realmente estará más fresco!
  • Logotipos reflectantes para una mayor visibilidad con poca luz
  • La parte superior puede funcionar como una capa base para clima cálido. Tenga en cuenta que la función de enfriamiento no funcionará tan bien como se esperaba cuando se coloca en capas.
  • Diseñado y creado por mujeres.
  • Esta prenda no está diseñada para uso repetido en una piscina clorada.
  • Hecho en los EE. UU.
  • El tamaño XL y 2X-Large califica para nuestra promoción de Ganador más grande . Compre este artículo a precio completo y si necesita reducir el tamaño dentro de 2 años, le daremos un 50% de descuento en un tamaño más pequeño. Lea más aquí - Ganador más grande


¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Humedécelo y notarás un descenso de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Los he estado usando durante unos meses y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Cada paciente que veo está plagado de carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos diariamente. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas refrescantes y de protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

Nota: ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es crucial tener en cuenta que la calificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere solo a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Debido a que sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de su piel que use un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA de dióxido de titanio u óxido de zinc.


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  • Dina Tholen
    4 months ago

    Comfortable for warm and cold

    I wore this shirt for the run portion at Ironman California. It was mid to high 70’s when I started and quite cool by the time I finished late in the evening. The De Soto Skin Cooler long sleeve did a great job and kept me cool early on and warm enough at the end. My only complaint is that it rides up on my curvy body. I knew it would and solved the issue by tucking it in to my pants.

  • Rotjanee Larsen
    5 months ago

    Love it

    Love the design, love the perfect fit, not restrictive, not too hot when it's warm either. Could use a little longer torso so it doesn't ride up so easily because of the a larger hip.

  • Terri Contaxis
    1 year ago

    Skin Cooler

    I wore it today for the first time and loved it. It kept me warm at the start of my morning ride and I did not overheat as the morning warmed up. I was really comfortable for the duration of my ride.

  • Joanna Jennens
    1 year ago

    Love this shirt!

    I love this shirt so much, this is my second one! Fits great! Works well as a sunblocking shirt but you stay cool!

  • kevin kok
    1 year ago

    Perfect over the years

    Decades ago I purchased a medium in this top which was too big and still I have it to this day. Every time I put it on it is like a soothing hug that just makes me feel good. I can’t explain it, it just is. I actually didn’t realize they were still for sale all these years later, but realized they were and purchased two more long sleeve and two short sleeve cooler tops in the right size. They feel and look great and do an amazing job. Few things in my life do I hold onto for decades in terms of clothing, but De Soto is one of them:)

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    LOVE My Sun Cooler Tops!!

    I live in the Phoenix valley where the sun is a beat down and can actually be dangerous. I wear these on all my bikes and runs. I have 7 of the long sleeve skin coolers for function but they are also super cute. I describe them as wearing shade.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Life saver

    About 15 ago in my 20s I I was diagnosed with stage 3 melanoma and have to be careful to never have a sunburn. This shirt has enabled me to continue my active lifestyle without feeling like an old lady while protecting my skin. Another bonus is the skin cooler function. It keeps me cool during hot weather marathons but doesn’t make me feel cold when it’s still chilly before the day gets hot. I wear it all summer long for outdoor activities from gardening, hiking and going to the beach. This shirt has truly improved my summers!

  • Andrea Kay
    2 years ago

    Love these Skin Cooler Tops

    After multiple washings and wearings, they continue to hold their fit and beautiful colors. I'm anxiously awaiting the next new graphics. I bought six so far.

  • Andrea Milbourne
    2 years ago

    Great top

    I have several of these top. They are amazing during long hot bike rides and runs. Protect from sun and getting burned, but also cool because of quick evaporation. During the run the pockets in back can be filled with ice, cooling the body and avoiding wet feet. And they look great!

  • Nancy Rank
    2 years ago

    Long sleeve & cooling that works even in Aruba!

    I tried De Soto for my first triathlon after tons of research and easy to say that I'm addicted to the sport and to De Soto! I came back and bought this in the Le Jardin Lily Pad. I'm currently ultra marathon training and knew I would continue training while vacationing in Aruba. The cooling worked even in the Aruba sun!! I paired it with the skin cooling cap and I was good to go!!

  • Alison Simmons
    2 years ago

    Love the Skin Cooler Long Sleeve Top!

    I love this product! I live on Maui and train for 1/2 and full Ironmans. I’m fair skinned and also a heavy sweater and the long sleeve top keeps me protected and also cool in Hawaii! I plan to use it on the bike and run in Kona in a few weeks. And it feels so good when you thorw cool water on you sleeves!

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Keeps me cool and protected in hot, sunny weather

    I wouldn’t have thought any material that covers the skin could also keep it cool…but this one definitely does. I’ve worn it biking, running, and swimming all summer, not a single complaint and way less sunburn. I love the simple print of the Retro Stripe design (Though, as the word “femme” is printed on the front, some have asked me if I am a femme, the word for woman in French, sure, and also the word for a feminine lesbian. Would be happy to affirm if it were so but I’m afraid I’m not.) I would purchase more of these if there were more simple, elegant prints like Retro Stripe. I know loud prints are a thing but find a number of the De Soto prints gaudy. This said, I’m a longtime fan of De Soto materials, form, and fit, and especially the low profile chamois/padding in shorts, and when simple, elegant prints and solid color kits are released, I often snag them! Make simpler print options and more solid colors for the Cooler tops, please!

  • Virginia Edmonds
    2 years ago

    Comfortable and Cool

    I have worn this shirt on two hot and humid Florida rides. I felt cool and comfortable. I really enjoy this shirt and would buy another. It fits great too!

  • Ma Aleth Reblora M. A. R. Ma A. R.
    3 years ago

    Long Sleeves

    I've been a fan of De Soto ever since I got to own one (Forza) last year and it really was the best tri suit I had. However, I quite disappointed that it was not among the available trisuits now as I think it's been discontinued. I bought this skin cooler long sleeves top to try out because of its promise to keep the skin cooler even when it's already hot. This is true since I noticed that my skin was cooler than normal. But my purpose is more of ensuring my skin does not get burned too much while I swim or bike. I was only able to use it for swim as of this writing and yes it served the purpose I intended it for. It's also very light to the skin but does not have the same compression that I was looking for like that of the Forza. The backside also would bunch up while on swim so I guess I should buy a full suit if I don't want that happening. I do recommend the product but if shipping to a country like the Philippines, the shipping can be really expensive as De Soto uses Fedex and Fedex has additional charges here in my country at around $12 dollars and I think there are no other option that can lower the shipping. Overall the shipping costs almost the same as the items, which is sad. I still gave 4 stars to improve on the compression and tightness that might lessen the bunching of the backside while swimming. No stars were removed for the shipping issue as it does not reflect on the item but on the options in general but still worth mentioning.

  • Love the protection!
    Kendra McFarland
    3 years ago

    Love the protection!

    This is my 2nd order of this style of shirts. My first order had 1 long sleeve and I was in a high speed crash which destroyed it so I was glad to find the same shirt was still on your website!! While others are slathering on sunscreen, I’m wearing my shirts that protect me in the most (literally) blistering hot days! Thank you! I love the cut, too! I’m a medium in cycling which lines up perfectly with your medium shirts of this style. Btw, do you have an IG page I can promote you on?

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Great shirt!

    Love how the shirt cools & protects from the sun…just wish there were more color/print options so some similar to mens.

  • Anonymous
    3 years ago

    stayed cool

    I used it during the heat and the entire time my arms felt cool. I did wear a sleeveless scoop neck top over it because I was self-conscious about it being tight. I am 77 so you might understand.

  • Lynn Schoenfelder L. S. Lynn S.
    3 years ago

    Women’s Skin Cooler Ling Sleeve top

    I’m so disappointed they this too has so much white. The wildflower design and purple color is so pretty, I wish the design covered 100% of the top. I wear it swimming in a lake and ocean, and the white turned brown. Every time I wear it, I spend an hour trying and failing to get it clean.

  • Danielle McGregor
    3 years ago

    Women's Skin Cooler-Long Sleeve

    I just purchased two more long-sleeve skin cooler shirts. I purchased my first one a few years ago and wore it on the bike and run at 70.3 Augusta and IM TX in 2018 and 2019. It truly helped keep me cool as well as kept me from getting burned. The trick is to keep it wet. (It is also helpful to watch the video on how to put it on after the swim.) I plan on wearing in Kona this year. I cannot recommend this product enough.

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    3 years ago

    Great sun coverage

    I love the skin cooler top & have purchased several. I wish two things: first, that you could apply some sort of rubber to the waist/torso seam so that the top wouldn’t ride up so much ( I am constantly yanking mine down while running) and secondly, that you would use a color other than white for the neckline and armpits so they don’t get dingy looking. Between sunscreen and deodorant my collars and pits get stains that makes the top look bad. However, in every other way it’s an outstanding running top.

  • Michele Fisher
    3 years ago

    Best long sleeve summer shirt

    I ordered two shirts, one small and one medium. Both fit, and they are the only jerseys I wear in the middle of the day for uv protection.

  • Michele M. Michele
    3 years ago

    Great for running and the beach

    Brought these gems to the Caribbean after using them quite a bit the precious 2 years for sunny excursions and long runs in Austin. I was so happy to have the added protection and miraculously did not burn anywhere that I wore the shirt. I did use a layer of zinc sunscreen underneath, but I did not reapply. The shirt stayed on for 12 hours and I didn’t get that gross sweaty smell I usually notice when I’m wearing pretty much anything else in the heat. This is my favorite shirt for summer, and even though it’s not advertised as such can be used pretty effectively as a rash guard for ocean activities.

  • Nannette Samuelson
    3 years ago

    Absolutely LOVE my skin cooler top

    This is the most comfortable tri top I have worn. After 17 years in triathlon, that says a lot! Love the jungle print and the fit. My friend loved it so much on me, she bought the same kit! You can always count on DeSoto quality and customer service! Love it!

  • Vanessa McKnight V. M. Vanessa M.
    3 years ago

    Long sleeve top

    Very happy with this top, it's a little cold for silly weather, but otherwise great. The shirt fit as expected according to the sizing chart.

  • Liana Chirichella
    4 years ago

    Love these Skin Cooler Long Sleeve Women’s shirts

    I purchased 3, one white and two with adorable patterns. I wear them for golf because I cannot have my arms exposed to Sun. They do keep me cool and the fit is fantastic. I’ve received many compliments and most importantly they perform as promised. DeSoto is a quality company I am glad I found them.

  • Liana Chirichella
    4 years ago

    Excellent shirt, so comfortable and does keep me cool

    I loved the first shirt I purchased so much that I bought it in another color and in White. I would buy every color if there were more. The shirt fits great and it literally does keep me cooler in the heat. I am an avid golfer but have nerve damage from the sun and can no longer expose my arms to sun. These shirts are fabulous and keep me comfortable even in the hot sun and humidity. Service is great and I am so excited to find De Soto Sport. These are so much better than sun sleeves and Cuter than other sun shirts on the market.

  • Loving the fit!
    Rose R. Rose
    4 years ago

    Loving the fit!

    I've had 6 skin cooler long sleeved shirts in the past and love them, but I've always gotten men's for 2 reasons - 1) I was afraid the women's wouldn't fit me well due to some wonky body structure (especially arms); and 2) sorry, but the men's colors and designs are better. :( I lost a fair amount of weight recently and the men's small is still a bit big, so I decided to bite the bullet and try the women's. WOW. I "measure" as a small, so I threw caution to the wind and ordered a small. It's a perfect fit. PERFECT. As in, second skin kind of perfect (though without being too tight or compressively so, just extremely snug). But that's the idea - it's better for wicking and I assume it's better for the cooling effect. I wore it today for a 17.5 mile run. Perfect. Hot & humid, so wicking had nowhere to wick and it did get soaked, but I also felt the cooling effect at times. And I had the peace of mind knowing that, even though I was outdoors for 3 hours, I was well-covered with an extra layer of sun protection (I still do sunscreen underneath). I'm a convert and I will be ordering more. Again, I measure as a small and that's what I got. It fits me pretty much exactly as intended, so I believe a medium would have been too big. I'd rate it as "true to size." I'm attaching a photo. Hopefully the mismatched patterns and colors won't hurt anybody's eyes! :) Also... can we get some of the men's shirt colors & designs in the women's models, please???? :)

  • joseph czech
    4 years ago

    wife liked skin cooler

    my wife thought the size would be too tight but after a few times she really likes the cooler

  • Desoto Skin Cooler
    5 years ago

    Desoto Skin Cooler

    This is the second long sleeve skin cooler shirt that I have purchased and the material really does work if you keep it wet. Great purchase!!!!!

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