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58 reviews

Precio habitual $ 155.00


Tabla de tallas


Altura Peso Cintura Pecho Caderas
X-Pequeño < 5'6" pulgadas / < 168 cm 135 libras / 61 kg 22”-24” pulgadas / 56-61 cm < 37” pulgadas / < 94 cm
Pequeño 5'6”-5'8” pulgadas / 168-173 cm 145 libras / 66 kg 24”-27” pulgadas / 61-69 cm 37”-39” pulgadas / 94-99 cm < 34" pulgadas / < 86 cm
Medio 5'9" pulgadas / 175-180 cm 165 libras / 75 kg 27”-32” pulgadas / 69-81 cm 39”-42” pulgadas / 99-107 cm 34"-38" pulgadas / 86-96 cm
Grande 6'0" pulgadas / 183-188 cm 195 libras / 88 kg 32”-35” pulgadas / 81-89 cm 42”-45” pulgadas / 107-114 cm 38"-42" pulgadas / 96-106 cm
Extra grande 6'2" pulgadas / 191-196 cm 215 libras / 98 kg 35”-41” pulgadas / 89-104 cm 45”-48” pulgadas / 114-122 cm 42"-47" pulgadas / 106-119 cm
XX-Grande 6'5" pulgadas / 197 cm + 235 libras / 107 kg 42” pulgadas + / 105 cm + 49 pulgadas + / 123 cm + 48" pulgadas + / 121 cm +

La tabla de tallas que aparece más arriba debe servir como guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar la talla adecuada, envíe la siguiente información a .

PESO: La precisión nos ayuda a brindarle un tamaño más preciso.
PECHO: Parte más ancha del pecho, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - NO es la misma que la talla de cintura de tus pantalones.
CADERAS: circunferencia medida en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, se mide unos centímetros por debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más ancha de los glúteos.

Si no tienes una cinta métrica y necesitas algo para medir, usa un cinturón, un cable de alimentación de teléfono inteligente y una regla.
Este artículo se envía gratis dentro de los EE. UU.
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Esta es nuestra parte superior tecnológicamente más avanzada y la mejor que el dinero puede comprar. Tiene una mezcla de dos tejidos muy ligeros con toda la espalda y las mangas confeccionadas con nuestro Skin Cooler 90.

Tallas: consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener una guía de tallas.
* 2XL : solo disponible para Entropy of Color, Black Hive, White/Black Stripe y Graphite Camouflage.

Tipo de ajuste: Ajuste de forma
Nota de ajuste: no asumas tu talla, utiliza nuestra tabla de tallas. En caso de duda, envíe sus preguntas por correo electrónico a La ropa de triatlón está pensada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y arrastres innecesarios durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no se siente cómodo con este tipo de calce o está entre tallas, le recomendamos que se ajuste a una talla más grande. La prenda quedará más ajustada la primera vez que se la ponga, se relajará un poco una vez mojada. 

Características y Beneficios:

  • Tejido Skin Cooler Octovent™ ligero que absorbe la humedad en la parte delantera (¡mira las imágenes!)
  • Tejido Skin Cooler 90™ en la espalda, los paneles laterales, las mangas y el cuello del cuello para una comodidad refrescante.
  • Ambos tejidos Skin Cooler bloquean el 90 % de los rayos UVB al mismo tiempo que reducen la temperatura corporal
  • Ajuste de carrera aerodinámico
  • Cremallera YKK® frontal completa para una ventilación fácil sobre la marcha
  • Garaje inferior con cremallera para mayor comodidad.
  • 3 bolsillos traseros para guardar los elementos esenciales de entrenamiento/carreras
  • Mangas Skin Cooler 90™ diseñadas para mayor comodidad en la posición aerodinámica
  • Puntada plana de contraste resistente y duradera, pero no abrasiva.
  • Funciona bien para nadar cuando se usa debajo de un traje de neopreno.
  • No recomendado para uso repetido en una piscina clorada.
  • Hecho en EE.UU
    ¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Humedécelo y notarás un descenso de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

    UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

    Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Los he estado usando durante unos meses y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Cada paciente que veo está plagado de carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos diariamente. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas refrescantes y de protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

    Nota: ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es crucial tener en cuenta que la calificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere solo a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Debido a que sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de su piel que use un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA de dióxido de titanio u óxido de zinc.


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    • Mark Bryant
      5 months ago

      Resembles Spider-Man!

      I like the larger pockets to hold all of my fuel. I like the red, but my wife commented that I looked like Spider-Man! Of course I simply said “thank you!?🤓”

    • James Orsi
      8 months ago

      Very lightweight and breathable

      This jersey is very lightweight and breathable, which is great for hot days. I would like to have better pockets, however. The three rear pockets are too shallow and low on the back. Adding additional height and a pleat to them would add room and make it easier to pull objects in and out of the pockets while riding. A separate small zippered pocket for keys and a credit card would be a great addition. Many jerseys from other brands have these.

    • Needs to be longer
      Jake Pullen
      1 year ago

      Needs to be longer

      Comfortable fit just not long enough. When I'm in the aero bars, there is about a 1 inch gap between the top and the shorts. My back get burnt every time. The top just needs to be longer or something needs to be added to the bottom so it doesn't ride up.

    • Took me to the finish
      Kevin Lancer
      2 years ago

      Took me to the finish

      O n a very hot day, my ability to monitor and reduce my core temperature became critical. The jersey seemed to help manage the heat and actually reduce my core temp. I was able to start running again and finished on a day that simply finishing was a triumph for me.

    • Skin Cooler top is a life saver
      William Ducasse
      2 years ago

      Skin Cooler top is a life saver

      I am a sweaty, over heating mess in the summer. The skin cooler tri top, changed that and i am able to hit my winter fast paces in the summer wearing the skin cooler gear. i will be purchasing more

    • Joseph R
      3 years ago

      This really works

      I have several of these skin cooler tops/jerseys and they are fabulous in the hot weather. I'm from the Portland, Oregon area and I wore them during our 116 degree heatwave this past summer. They kept me cool on the bike (well, as cool as could be expected in that heat). That is the ultimate field test. The theory of the material holding the perspiration in as a cooling device works and works well. Highly recommended.

    • Tim Miller T. M. Tim M.
      3 years ago

      Amazing as always

      This is the best cycling Jersey I have ever used. Kept me perfect temp. During IM Wis. whether it was muggy or cool. Fits amazing great quality. All my stuff is Desoto because you simply can’t buy anything better

    • Life saver in summer !
      Fatema Husain
      3 years ago

      Life saver in summer !

      I live in very hot and humid climate. I was never able to train properly outdoors in summer until I discovered De Soto! I'm usually covered from head to toe with De Soto clothes including head cover, arm and leg coolers and jerseys or t-shirts. Now I can crush ultra distances in the heat comfortably. Thanks De Soto !

    • De Soto forever
      Robert Volk
      3 years ago

      De Soto forever

      De Soto forever. Are usually don’t wear the stuff unless it’s greater than 80°, even when it’s an 80s or 90s, and cloud cover goes over, Or you hit a shade On the road when cycling, you actually feel cooler the stuff is nice so nice

    • Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Great Fit and Quality

      Fits wonderfully, hard feat for a slender person like me where most tops run short at the waist. Have worn it all season and continues to perform and look great.

    • Robert Taylor R. T. Robert T.
      3 years ago

      Light and Breathable

      Fits really well. Super tight without having to worry the zipper is going to break. Zipper is heavy duty. Incredibly breathable and comfortable. Really appreciate it when De Soto has those 40% off sales. Makes it affordable and a worthwhile purchase.

    • Larry Goodman
      3 years ago

      The Best cycling Jersey:

      I love this jersey. It is the most comfortable cycling Jersey I’ve ever worn. Plus it looks great too. It is so light and airy , plus no restrictions of any kind. I highly recommend this piece to any cycling kit.

    • Nicolas De Valencia N. D. V. Nicolas D. V.
      3 years ago


      Just tried my SKIN COOLER FULL ZIP TOP for the first time for a speed work out in 28C weather. I felt I was running in much cooler weather specially when there was some additional wind which made the top even cooler. Looking forward on racing this summer with this great top for my 70.3 and Full IM races! Thanks! PS: Also bought the beanie but haven't tried it yet on my long rides.

    • Carl L.
      4 years ago

      A Superb Top

      This top is excellent, especially on hot, humid days. It is extremely breathable and wicks away sweat while still protecting my skin from the sun, and the quality of construction cannot be beat. I really like the compressive fit of the jersey. It is comfortable and does not flap at the shoulders or waist when in an aero position like some cycling jerseys. It truly sets the standard for quality and performance, and puts competitors' tops to shame.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      4 years ago


      I’ve been a De Soto customer well over a decade & I Continue to purchase diverse items because of Emilio’s dedication to high quality development & production of innovative materials that provide me with comfortable & efficient apparel for training & race day.

    • mark lacy
      4 years ago

      Excellent Jersey

      I have several Desoto products and this jersey did not disappoint. The fit and feel are second to none and wash/wear great too. Spend the little extra money over the less expensive options and get Desoto...satisfaction guaranteed.

    • Daniel Edwards D. E. Daniel E.
      4 years ago

      Desoto Skin Cooler top

      Desoto product have my full confidence. I’ve been wearing the products for 12 years now and love everything I’ve purchased. Additionally the customer service is awesome. The Skin Cooler tips fit great and look even better. My only complaint is there aren’t enough choices in design so I could buy more.

    • Ronald Mentus
      4 years ago

      Skin Cooler Helps

      There is heat [suck it up!] and humidity [doh!!] Here is the east [VA] we have both, and i was amazed at how well the jersey worked on rides of 50-75 minutes. Definitely a good purchase--i'll be back for more next year--Ron

    • Dave Matheson D. M. Dave M.
      4 years ago

      The best cycling tri top around

      I can’t say enough good things about this top. Another amazing De Soto product. I’ve been wearing this jersey since I got my first one in 2012. I now have 4 of them in different styles! Love the styles and different patterns. By far the best quality I’ve ever worn. I’ve used this jersey in very hot conditions including multiple Ironman Hawai’i and a 3 day ultra endurance event. For me, it’s all about comfort, cooling and looking good. This top checks all the boxes. The Skin Cooler technology is the bomb. It is such a nice fit and keeps me cool, which helps performance.

    • John Senger
      4 years ago

      Super Comfortable

      This tri top is the most comfortable one I own. Fits tight without being overly restrictive, and allows for ease of movement without any chafing. The top absorbs & wicks away sweat very well, helping to keep me cool as the temperatures rise over 100 these days.

    • steve Holmes S. H. steve H.
      4 years ago

      Best triathlon store on the west coast!!

      Being a triathlete for 30 years I've struggled to find that store that carries the right gear and apparal that truly has the triathlete in mind. ..until DeSoto. Everything I ordered fit and performed at the highest level.!! Thank you so much!

    • Simone Faragalli
      4 years ago

      Great Cooling system

      Fantastic technology. Your skin will thank you for the cool sensation, enhancing your race performance.

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      5 years ago

      Ready for Summer!!!

      The products are great, the skin cooler shirts really keeps me cool, and the 400-mile bike shorts is really comfortable!!!

    • Darren B. D. B. Darren B.
      5 years ago

      High quality product - as usual!

      This is the latest piece of De Soto triathlon/cycling clothing that I've bought over the years. I keep coming back because it's the best. Best fit, best quality and undoubtedly the best customer service. Can't wait to properly try it out, but I'll be saving it for next race season.

    • Nick R.
      5 years ago

      Excellent top!

      Support helped me pick the size i needed and they were right on. Shirt is comfortable and breathes great!

    • Skin cooler jersey
      jeff s.
      5 years ago

      Skin cooler jersey

      This is the most Comfortable jersey I have ever worn. It’s made out of a very soft material and fits great. I love how long it is and the pockets are a great size. I have worn it on a very hot day and I did stay cool and the jersey was dry. I will probably wear it for Ironman Maryland, if I don’t wear it out before then

    • Marshall L. M. L. Marshall L.
      5 years ago


      Another awesome jersey in the short sleeve model! The material is soft, flexible, exceptionally cool. The special sparkle design is really good looking!

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