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Precio habitual $ 44.00


Tabla de tallas


Longitud - Colocación plana
Apertura superior
X-pequeño 15,5" (39,37 cm) 9" (22,86 cm)
Pequeño 16,5" (41,91 cm) 9,5" (24,13 cm)
Medio 17,5" (44,45 cm) 11" (27,94 cm)
Grande 18,5" (46,99 cm) 12,5" (31,75 cm)
extragrande 19,5" (49,53 cm)

14" (35,56 cm)

La ubicación donde se debe medir la longitud del brazo enfriador depende de dónde desee que se asiente, pero a la mayoría de las personas les gusta en algún lugar sobre o justo por encima de la "bola" que constituye su bíceps cuando levanta el codo para que la parte superior del brazo quede paralela a el terreno. Lo más importante es que considere qué tan larga es la manga en la parte superior (s) que planea usar. Por favor, vea las fotos adjuntas.

Además, el 98% de las personas que hacen pedidos tienden a caber en Arm Coolers del mismo tamaño que cualquiera de nuestras camisetas. Para determinar ese tamaño, solo envíeme lo siguiente:
PECHO (medido como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral)
CINTURA (circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo; NO es lo mismo que el tamaño de la cintura de sus pantalones)
CADERAS (circunferencia medida en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, medirá solo unas pocas pulgadas debajo de los huesos de las caderas y alrededor de la parte más grande de los glúteos)
Con estos, usamos un algoritmo para crear qué tipo de cuerpo tienes para determinar qué tamaño tendrías en todos nuestros productos.
¡Esperamos poder ayudarte más!

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Inventamos las mangas Skin Cooler 90 para usarlas en días calurosos para mantenerte fresco y protegerte de los dañinos rayos UVB.

Aquí hay un blog escrito por Tracy De Soto sobre la importancia de la protección solar.

Tallas: consulta el botón de la tabla de tallas para saber cómo conseguir el ajuste adecuado.
Tipo de ajuste:
Nota de ajuste: no asuma que su talla es la misma que en años anteriores, utilice nuestra tabla de tallas y, en caso de duda, envíenos un correo electrónico:

Características y beneficios:

  • La tela Skin Cooler 90™ se estira contigo, es suave al contacto con la piel y es transpirable.
  • La tela bloquea el 90% de los rayos UVB y proporciona una sensación refrescante cuando está mojada.
  • Elástico de tapa blanda en la parte superior de los brazos para mantenerlos en su lugar.
  • Logotipos reflectantes para mayor visibilidad en condiciones de poca luz.
  • A menudo nos imitan. Recuerda que el hecho de que sea blanco no significa que la tela te refresque. ¡SIGUE LEYENDO!
    INSTRUCCIONES : Es mejor colocarse la manga entera en la muñeca y luego “empujarla” lentamente hacia arriba en lugar de jalarla hacia arriba. Luego, una vez que esté por encima del codo, tire suavemente hacia arriba hasta el bíceps. Al retirarla, “empuja” la manga hacia abajo usando el pulgar y los dedos alrededor de la abertura del bíceps.

    ¿Quieres una forma rápida y sencilla de ponértelos? ¡Haz clic en este consejo de Emilio!

    ¿Qué hace que la nuestra sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la biomimética, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco en climas cálidos y más fresco cuando esté húmedo. Póntela y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Mójala y notarás una caída en la temperatura de la superficie de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

    ¿Las telas de colores o las secciones con logotipos afectan la tecnología de enfriamiento? ¡No! Notarás que la tela en el interior es toda blanca a pesar del color exterior o los logotipos del producto Skin Cooler. El proceso de sublimación que utilizamos para colocar logotipos o colores en nuestra tela convierte la tinta en un gas que se adhiere solo al exterior de la tela. Por lo tanto, esta tinta no es absorbente y no afecta la integridad técnica del producto de ninguna manera. Las partes de color de los productos te mantendrán tan fresco como las blancas.

    ¿Y qué pasa con el color negro? Nuestras prendas Skin Cooler de color negro liso están teñidas en el patio en lugar de sublimadas. Por eso, la tela interior es negra por dentro y por fuera. Las fibras reales se tiñen antes de tejerlas para formar la tela. Calculamos que el negro puede aumentar entre 1° y 3° F dependiendo de la temperatura ambiente y la humedad. 

    La medida del enfriador de brazo en la abertura superior debe ser menor que la medida de su bíceps. El elástico mantiene el enfriador de brazo en su lugar.

    # ACSC
    Tamaño Largo - (colocado en posición horizontal y no estirado) Apertura superior
    XS 15,5" (39,37 cm) 8" (20,32 cm)
    S 16,5" (41,91 cm) 9,5" (24,13 cm)
    METRO 17,5" (44,45) 11" (27,94 cm)
    yo 18,5" (46,99 cm) 12,5" (31,75 cm)
    SG 19,5" (49,53 cm) 14" (35,56 cm)

    UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

    Soy una corredora y triatleta apasionada y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy una gran fanática. Los he estado usando durante algunos meses y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatóloga y cirujana de Mohs. Todos los pacientes que veo padecen carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos a diario. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas de productos refrescantes y de protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

    Nota: ninguna prenda debe sustituir a la otra, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que el factor de protección solar (FPS) de un protector solar (independientemente de la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que los daños de los rayos UVA pueden ser igualmente insidiosos, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA, como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.


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    • Chris Metaxas
      3 weeks ago

      No comparison to Skin Cooler fabric!

      I just finished a 2 day all day stage trail race in AZ near Phoenix - Both days the weather was identical - clear skies, 85-88 degrees, desert sun in the peak afternoon. One day I used the De Soto Skin Cooler Arm Coolers and the other day I used a competitors white UV sun sleeve - not even a close comparison, the DeSoto Arm Coolers were hands down way more effective at topical cooling in the desert heat, comfortable and yes very cooling whether wet or dry. The other high end brand didn’t even come close to De Soto, in fact I had to remove and stash away the other brand arm sleeves to manage the heat as they kept getting warm and stuffy feeling once they were dry. This De Soto skin cooler fabric actually works, provided topical cooling and kept me comfortable in the heat, were very durable (hit the dirt and rocks once after tripping, and the odd cactus leaning over the trail didn’t pull the fabric) and felt light on the arms - these are long endurance races and the arm sleeves never became an irritant at the cuff I’m definitely sticking with De Soto for my future hot weather gear purchases. Also De Soto customer service was also excellent - they were fast and friendly to respond helping with sizing recommendations and other questions.

    • Becky Berka
      7 months ago

      Way Too Tight

      I measured everything before I ordered and the small were still way too small! I followed the instructions for wetting them first and sliding them up my arms, little by little, by my goodness are they tight! They stretched a little more the first time I wore them, but when I took them off I had welts from the elastic. I'm a little girl. I can't imagine how puny you have to be to wear a small. Very disappointed. I suspect the medium may be fine; the quality of the arm coolers seems excellent. But at this price point, it's really a hassle to return them.

    • Craig Dodd
      8 months ago

      Skin cooler - arm Coolers

      These arm coolers continue to amaze me. This is my fourth pair…I wear them every time I ride, no matter the time of year. They really are cooler to the skin than riding with bare arms during summer.

    • Ron Anderson
      8 months ago

      Arm coolers

      Thanks Emilio as these work outstanding on warm days. With or with out water on them feels like a swamp cooler. May use them fishing as well

    • Josh Nellist
      9 months ago

      Arm coolers are great!

      These things work incredibly well. Have had several runs and rides in very hot 90+ temperatures and my arms feel as if a cool breeze is blowing on them. Ordered another pair for my spouse!

    • Richard Brown
      9 months ago

      Arm coolers

      An amazing product that really protects me from the sun as it also keeps me cool. Love the arm coolers!

    • Brad Tuck
      1 year ago

      Excellent arm coolers

      I love how the De Soto arm coolers stay in place and keep me cool while protecting me from the sun. Brilliant product.

    • Tom Vizioli T. V. Tom V.
      1 year ago

      they work

      I have enjoyed this product as it does actually keep you cool & helps w/ protection from the sun. Another great product from De Soto!

    • Anonymous
      1 year ago

      Best Arm Coolers, hands down!

      Have used DeSoto arm coolers and bike shorts for years and will not use any other brands! Tried many, but quality and comfort is unmatched. Arm coolers do what they claim, keeps you cooler when wet and great sun protection.

    • Dan Vining
      2 years ago

      Arm Coolers.

      Missed on the sizing with the original order. Had some difficulty getting the size corrected. After an exchange with customer services things were quickly resolved. I was even gifted the wrong sized arm coolers. Great product and customer support. Thanks, DeSoto!

    • Great coolers
      Charlie Brockus C. B. Charlie B.
      2 years ago

      Great coolers

      Had to be covered during a particularly hot race to keep from getting burned. These arm coolers provided exactly what I needed. No burning and splashed water on to stay cool during the bike and run. Great product!!!!

    • Jeff Fieldhack J. F. Jeff F.
      2 years ago

      Late to arm coolers but love them for training and racing

      I admit I was late to arm coolers. Now, I do not do a summer workout without them. Reduce sun exposure and with a small hit of water actually gives a cooling sensation. As I am now older I worry about sun exposure and these help entire arms -- even down to the wrists. When racing, I fold them up and both go on in seconds during the bike leg. I am surprised more do not use them on sunny / hot courses. Really helps maintain lower core body temp. Love them.

    • Anonymous
      2 years ago

      Skin Savers

      Great item and like that it matches my trisuit. Superior sun protection which also provides nice cooling when wet. Completed an Ironman using these on the bike and part of the run. Highly recommend!

    • Michelle Lensing
      3 years ago

      Kept me cool for a hot race

      I overhear so easily during triathlon races in the summer. These sleeves were great to help me stay a little cooler! Highly recommend—they truly work

    • Gregory Umberger G. U. Gregory U.
      3 years ago

      Fend off the direct sun

      The De Soto arm coolers were a better fit than another brand I had used. Here in the very humid Florida sun they did the trick, kept the sun off and absorbed perspiration.

    • Michael Abegg
      3 years ago

      Better than I expected

      It’s hard to find a product from DeSoto that exceeds expectations because they’re all so good in the first place…but Arm Coolers do. I wore them for the first time on a not-super-hot but very sunny day. My comment to a colleague was, “it’s literally like I’ve put my arms in an air conditioner.” What could better than that?

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Love the quality of your products

      I have been using your products for many years and I’m planning to keep using them for many to come

    • David Ferguson D. F. David F.
      3 years ago

      Arm Coolers (version 2)

      Excellent construction/materials/design. I have the previous version from 2007; they have performed flawlessly, but current material appears more robust; works very well. As with any DeSoto product I’ve used over the past 15 years, highly reccomended !

    • Neil Richey
      3 years ago

      fit nicely, protect my arms well

      This is my second pair of DeSoto arm coolers and I'm very happy with them. I like the sun protection and the good fit so they aren't constantly slipping down. I will buy another pair for sure when these are worn out.

    • Rand MacIntosh R. M. Rand M.
      3 years ago

      as advertised

      work as i had hoped for. good fit and definitely helps with protection from the sun while biking. will use them for canoe trips as well

    • Michael Kichler
      3 years ago

      Arm Freeze

      Have you ever chugged water right after chewing spearmint's like instant brain freeze! Well, that's exactly how my arms feel when I put water on these arm coolers to get through hot Arizona summer bikes and runs! Seriously cool!

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      3 years ago

      Essential Gear

      As a doctor, I know the sun exposure our arms undergo while we ride. This Coolers do a great job of protection, yet they are very comfortable to wear and really cool you down.

    • Beehive Arm Coolers
      Rod Crowley
      3 years ago

      Beehive Arm Coolers

      I absolutely love these. I used them in a Sprint Triathlon in Sebring, Florida yesterday and wore them throughout the entire swim, bike, and run. I could literally feel the cooling and sun protection throughout the bike and run on an extremely hot and humid course. One of my best investments EVER!

    • Anonymous A. Anonymous
      4 years ago

      Somehow once you're riding and you're feeling a bit of a breeze, the breeze cools you down more so than it would if your skin was exposed. It's a good fit (true to size for me), they hold tight to the skin with no slack, and they hold up well to regular washes. Far superior to better known brands and good value for money. I’m really glad I got these.

    • David Crabb
      4 years ago

      DeSoto Arm Coolers

      Awesome - I love them. I gave a pair to my brother who lives in Dallas and he said they're a game changer for him with the summer heat. I also gave a pair to my girlfriend as she likes to stay cool, look good, and keep the sun off her arms. Check, check and check!

    • Virginia Edmonds V. E. Virginia E.
      4 years ago

      Too tight

      The quality and fabric are great, but I can’t wear them. The elastic is too tight and constricts. I bought the small because the next size up would be much too big. I wish there was a size between small and medium.

    • James Lofgren
      4 years ago

      Great Arm Coolers and Sun Blockers

      Fifteen years ago I purchased a pair and they served me well until they finally wore out. I bought a new pair and was amazed at how they have been improved - better fit, softer material, and closer weave to filter out the ultraviolet rays. I recommend them and would not hesitate to buy another pair.

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