They were just not really to my liking….too tight and too short. I have sent them back for return
Longitud - Colocación plana |
Apertura superior |
Pequeño | 21" (53cm) | 14,5" (37 cm) |
Medio | 23" (58cm) | 16" (41cm) |
Grande | 25" (63,5 cm) | 17,5" (44,5 cm) |
¡El mismo concepto que ha convertido a nuestros enfriadores de brazos en uno de nuestros productos más vendidos ahora está disponible para tus piernas! Skin Cooler™ es un material especial que irradia humedad y que realmente ofrece un efecto refrescante. Te garantizamos que te mantendrán más fresco durante el entrenamiento y la carrera que si no llevas nada puesto. Si no te parece que esto sea cierto, ¡devuélvelos para recibir un reembolso completo!
INSTRUCCIONES : Es mejor colocarse toda la manga sobre la pierna y luego “empujarla” lentamente hacia arriba en lugar de jalarla hacia arriba. Luego, una vez que esté por encima de la rodilla, tire suavemente hacia arriba hasta el muslo. Al retirarla, “empuja” la manga hacia abajo usando el pulgar y los dedos alrededor de la abertura del muslo.
Tejido elástico Skin Cooler™ 90 que bloquea el 90 % de los rayos UVB, transpirable y refrescante, elástico con agarre de silicona en la parte superior de la pierna.
Enfriador de piel 90™
Cuando el cuerpo humano se calienta, suda para refrescarse. En el pasado, otras marcas han intentado ayudar a ese proceso desarrollando telas que absorben la humedad de la piel y aceleran la evaporación. Desde hace más de 10 años, De Soto ha llevado este concepto un paso más allá al utilizar esa humedad para crear un efecto refrescante. ¡SÍ! QUEREMOS QUE TE MOJES. Skin Cooler™ funciona mediante una serie de canales tejidos en una tela ligera. A medida que estos canales se mojan, absorben la humedad y se hinchan, lo que disipa el calor haciendo que la tela que está en contacto con tu piel sea realmente más fresca. El grado de frescura depende de factores como el flujo de aire, la humedad, la temperatura ambiente y la temperatura de la humedad. Cuando sudas, la temperatura de la prenda desciende y crea una sensación de enfriamiento real. Skin Cooler 90™ ofrece este efecto refrescante a la vez que ofrece aún más protección solar.
¿Qué hace que la nuestra sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la biomimética, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco en climas cálidos y más fresco cuando esté húmedo. Póntela y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Mójala y notarás una caída en la temperatura de la superficie de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.
¿Las telas de colores o las secciones con logotipos afectan la tecnología de enfriamiento? ¡No! Notarás que la tela en el interior es toda blanca a pesar del color exterior o los logotipos del producto Skin Cooler. El proceso de sublimación que utilizamos para colocar logotipos o colores en nuestra tela convierte la tinta en un gas que se adhiere solo al exterior de la tela. Por lo tanto, esta tinta no es absorbente y no afecta la integridad técnica del producto de ninguna manera. Las partes de color de los productos te mantendrán tan fresco como las blancas.
¿Y qué pasa con el color negro? Nuestras prendas Skin Cooler de color negro liso están teñidas en el patio en lugar de sublimadas. Por eso, la tela interior es negra por dentro y por fuera. Las fibras reales se tiñen antes de tejerlas para formar la tela. Calculamos que el negro puede aumentar entre 1° y 3° F dependiendo de la temperatura ambiente y la humedad.
Nota: ninguna prenda debe sustituir a la otra, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que el factor de protección solar (FPS) de un protector solar (independientemente de la marca que elija) se refiere únicamente a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Como sabemos que los daños de los rayos UVA pueden ser igualmente insidiosos, es esencial para la salud de la piel que utilice un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA, como el dióxido de titanio o el óxido de zinc.
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They were just not really to my liking….too tight and too short. I have sent them back for return
These leg coolers are fantastic. Provide great flexibility in my training wardrobe. Great for cooling in extreme heat, but also they provide a nice layer of warmth in chillier temperatures.. Also, they look super cool when paired with any of the Forza or Riviera Tri Shorts. Pick up a pair or two. You’ll be glad you did.
I bought these because I live in a hot sunny climate and I ride my ebike at least 1-2 hours per day 7 days a week year round. I was getting sun damage on arms and legs. These excellent products stopped the sun damage and keep me cooler. The fabric feels cool on one’s skin. But the real benefit comes on the bike when the sun is not penetrating and heating up your skin. I never realized how much of one’s sense of being hot on a hot day depends not just on ambient air temperature, but also to solar penetration and heating of skin. I am fortunate to have dark skin and rarely get a conventional sun burn. But these white reflective leotard like leggings sharply reduce what I now call deep skin heating. Uncomfortably warm days are now comfortable. Buy. Wear. Beat the heat. And if it jumps over a hundred F, just squirt a little water on the leggings and feel enjoy the hydra cooling effect. I hate sun screen lotion. I love these leggings. I would like a high viz yellow pair for midday sun and High vis orange for late afternoon and early evening. And makes in California USA!!!
In the past couple of years, I have experienced increasingly severe heat rashes on my legs during summer rides. Desperate, I purchased these leg sleeves and they did the trick. Aside from sun protection, they protect from heat rashes as well (for me). Amazing. My only complaint is that the grips stay on so well that they chafed one of my inner thighs; I'm sure I can mitigate it with a little Body Glide. It's worth figuring out because the heat rash was starting to scar my legs from routine flaring.
Love these leg coolers- they really help cool me down. I bought the large because I have large thighs , but they will only stay up if I tuck them into my tri shorts before I run. I will try the medium . Hightly recommend!
I bought a pair of medium leg sleeves in 2014, which I'm still using. (So they last!) The new fabric (2023) is excellent, all good there, but significantly tighter fitting. I'm hoping they stretch a bit, but meanwhile I'm ordering a large in hopes that size works better. I don't think my legs are that much chunkier now.
Last summer I cycled 6,000 miles over 6 months from Philly to DC to Seattle, then turned left to the border at Tijuana, wearing De Soto leg coolers every day. They saved me a mountain of sunblock, and performed admirably. With such hard use, this year I am on to a new pair, and am just as happy to do so.
My skin no longer tolerates UV rays and I have pre-cancerous cells on my face so I have to be very careful during the summer. I can now cycle with style and comfort using my De Soto cool and UV protection legs and jersey. And I only need to wear sunscreen on my hands and face! I was afraid I would be too warm with long sleeves but now, it is perfect! And the style is really nice and adapted to the sport. The size fit is a little small, but I ordered as per De Soto advise and the fit is great for me. I strongly recommend!
I bought these for biking and love how the leg sleeves fit perfectly, stay up without compression & don't slide down. However, I really wish these came in at least 1 other color than white or black. Black is too hot for summer riding. And, well, someone joked that I looked like a nursing home escapee... Yikes. I'm not THAT old and average 15-17 mph over 40+ miles. Can DeSoto please make these leg sleeves in that cool-looking silver/white pattern you have in the arm shrugs?? Thanks.
The quality of the fabric, design, and workmanship is perfect. They are the first leg sleeves I have worn that stay up without any adjustment. I don’t love them as much as my boleros only because they don’t have as much cooling effect as my arm coolers. I wear a bolero every time I ride in the summer. I wear the leg coolers only when it’s sunny.
I have to admit that my thigh circumference was not as large as the published for size medium. So as a result the leg covers tend to slip after riding for awhile. I ordered the size medium for the length. Should have ordered the small. So, I will need to take them in for a better fit. Other than that they are comfortable and do feel cool.
They were just not really to my liking….too tight and too short. I have sent them back for return
These leg coolers are fantastic. Provide great flexibility in my training wardrobe. Great for cooling in extreme heat, but also they provide a nice layer of warmth in chillier temperatures.. Also, they look super cool when paired with any of the Forza or Riviera Tri Shorts. Pick up a pair or two. You’ll be glad you did.
I bought these because I live in a hot sunny climate and I ride my ebike at least 1-2 hours per day 7 days a week year round. I was getting sun damage on arms and legs. These excellent products stopped the sun damage and keep me cooler. The fabric feels cool on one’s skin. But the real benefit comes on the bike when the sun is not penetrating and heating up your skin. I never realized how much of one’s sense of being hot on a hot day depends not just on ambient air temperature, but also to solar penetration and heating of skin. I am fortunate to have dark skin and rarely get a conventional sun burn. But these white reflective leotard like leggings sharply reduce what I now call deep skin heating. Uncomfortably warm days are now comfortable. Buy. Wear. Beat the heat. And if it jumps over a hundred F, just squirt a little water on the leggings and feel enjoy the hydra cooling effect. I hate sun screen lotion. I love these leggings. I would like a high viz yellow pair for midday sun and High vis orange for late afternoon and early evening. And makes in California USA!!!
In the past couple of years, I have experienced increasingly severe heat rashes on my legs during summer rides. Desperate, I purchased these leg sleeves and they did the trick. Aside from sun protection, they protect from heat rashes as well (for me). Amazing. My only complaint is that the grips stay on so well that they chafed one of my inner thighs; I'm sure I can mitigate it with a little Body Glide. It's worth figuring out because the heat rash was starting to scar my legs from routine flaring.
I bought a pair of medium leg sleeves in 2014, which I'm still using. (So they last!) The new fabric (2023) is excellent, all good there, but significantly tighter fitting. I'm hoping they stretch a bit, but meanwhile I'm ordering a large in hopes that size works better. I don't think my legs are that much chunkier now.
Last summer I cycled 6,000 miles over 6 months from Philly to DC to Seattle, then turned left to the border at Tijuana, wearing De Soto leg coolers every day. They saved me a mountain of sunblock, and performed admirably. With such hard use, this year I am on to a new pair, and am just as happy to do so.
My skin no longer tolerates UV rays and I have pre-cancerous cells on my face so I have to be very careful during the summer. I can now cycle with style and comfort using my De Soto cool and UV protection legs and jersey. And I only need to wear sunscreen on my hands and face! I was afraid I would be too warm with long sleeves but now, it is perfect! And the style is really nice and adapted to the sport. The size fit is a little small, but I ordered as per De Soto advise and the fit is great for me. I strongly recommend!
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