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Top con cierre completo y enfriador de piel para mujer

19 reviews

Precio habitual $ 108.50 Precio de oferta $ 155.00
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Tabla de tallas


Busto Cintura Caderas
X-pequeño 31"- 33"in / <79 - 84 cm 22"- 24" pulgadas / 56 - 61 cm 30”- 33” pulgadas / 76 - 84 cm
Pequeño 34"- 36" pulgadas / 86 - 91 cm 25"- 27" pulgadas / 65 - 69 cm 34”- 35” pulgadas / 86 - 89 cm
Medio 37"-39" pulgadas / 94 - 99 cm 28"-30" pulgadas / 70 - 77 cm 36”- 38” pulgadas / 91 - 97 cm
Grande 40"- 42" pulgadas / 101 - 107 cm 31"- 33" pulgadas / 79 - 84 cm 39”- 41” pulgadas / 99 - 104 cm
extragrande 42"- 44" pulgadas / 107 - 112 cm 34"-36" pulgadas / 86 - 91 cm 42”- 44” pulgadas / 107 - 112 cm
XX-Grande 44"+ pulg / 112 cm + 36"- 38" pulgadas / 92 - 97 cm 44”- 46" pulgadas / 112 - 117 cm

La tabla de tallas anterior debe servir como una guía general. Si desea ayuda para determinar el tamaño adecuado, envíe la siguiente información a .

BUSTO: parte más completa del seno, medida como la parte más grande de la circunferencia justo sobre el músculo pectoral.
CINTURA - Circunferencia medida en la línea del ombligo - esto NO es lo mismo que el tamaño de la cintura de sus pantalones.
CADERAS: la circunferencia se mide en el punto más ancho, NO en las caderas, donde puede ir el cinturón. Por lo general, esto medirá solo unas pocas pulgadas debajo de los huesos de la cadera y alrededor de la parte más grande de los glúteos.

Si no tiene una cinta métrica y necesita algo con lo que medir, use un cinturón o el cable de alimentación de un teléfono inteligente y una regla.
Este artículo se envía gratis dentro de los EE. UU.
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Nuestra camiseta de triatlón de manga corta Skin Cooler para mujer fue diseñada con características para soportar un día completo de entrenamiento o carreras con comodidad elegante y femenina.

Dimensionamiento: Consulte el botón de la tabla de tallas de arriba para obtener una guía de tallas.
Tipo de ajuste: ajustado a la forma.
Ajuste Nota: no asuma que su talla es la misma que en años anteriores, utilice nuestra tabla de tallas y, en caso de duda, envíenos un correo electrónico a: La ropa de triatlón está pensada para ajustarse al contacto con la piel. Esto es para eliminar posibles rozaduras y arrastres innecesarios durante la natación, la bicicleta y la carrera. Si no se siente cómodo con este tipo de ajuste o está entre tallas, le recomendamos que se ajuste a una talla más grande . La prenda quedará más ajustada la primera vez que se la ponga, se relajará un poco una vez mojada.

Características y beneficios :

  • Compuesto de tejido suave y mantecoso Skin Cooler™ que proporciona protección solar UVB y crea una sensación refrescante cuando está mojado o con sudor; manteniéndote fresco y cómodo milla tras milla
  • Tejido Skin Cooler Octovent™ ligero que absorbe la humedad en el panel frontal para una comodidad transpirable y refrescante
  • El escote contornea la clavícula creando una apariencia favorecedora y un ajuste cómodo
  • 3 bolsillos traseros para guardar tus artículos esenciales de entrenamiento o carrera
  • Cremallera YKK® frontal completa que permite una ventilación ajustable
  • Dobladillo posterior festoneado de 1,5" para garantizar una cobertura total en la posición de conducción
  • Las costuras planas eliminan posibles rozaduras.
  • Logotipos reflectantes para una mayor visibilidad con poca luz
  • El dobladillo sin elástico garantiza que esta camiseta cubra bellamente el cuerpo, lo que elimina el posible aspecto de torniquete
  • Las mangas Skin Cooler™ se extienden sobre los deltoides y son perfectas para usar con nuestros Arm Coolers (ACSC)
  • Este artículo no está diseñado para uso repetido como traje de baño en una piscina clorada.
  • Diseñado y creado por mujeres.
  • Hecho en los EE. UU.

¿Qué hace que el nuestro sea diferente? Nuestra fibra Skin Cooler está diseñada para sentirse y funcionar como la seda (de un gusano de seda). A través de la Biomímesis, tomamos las virtudes de esta fibra natural y creamos una seda sintética. Te mantendrá fresco cuando hace calor y más fresco cuando está mojado. Póntelo y sentirás al instante la sensación de frescor. Humedécelo y notarás un descenso de la temperatura superficial de la piel entre 7 y 10 grados.

UN TESTIMONIO MÉDICO: Recibimos esta carta de un respetado dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs:

Soy un ávido corredor y triatleta y recientemente descubrí sus productos Skin Cooler, de los cuales soy un gran admirador. Los he estado usando durante unos meses y no podría estar más feliz. Soy dermatólogo y cirujano de Mohs. Cada paciente que veo está plagado de carcinoma de células basales, carcinoma de células escamosas o melanoma. Recomiendo sus productos a mis pacientes activos diariamente. Les permite continuar con su estilo de vida activo mientras se protegen del sol. Considero que su producto es muy superior a todas las demás líneas refrescantes y de protección solar. Realmente aprecio sus esfuerzos e innovaciones.

Nota: ninguna prenda debe ser un sustituto, por lo que siempre recomendamos usar protector solar debajo de estos y todos los productos. Es crucial tener en cuenta que la calificación SPF/UPF de un protector solar (cualquiera que sea la marca que elija) se refiere solo a su capacidad para proteger la piel de la radiación UVB. Debido a que sabemos que el daño de los rayos UVA puede ser igual de insidioso, es esencial para la salud de su piel que use un protector solar que contenga los ingredientes protectores de los rayos UVA de dióxido de titanio u óxido de zinc.


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  • Addicted to De Soto
    Nancy Rank
    2 years ago

    Addicted to De Soto

    I have this shirt in Entropy of Color and wore it for my first triathlon. I'm addicted to the sport and to De Soto! I came back and bought this in the Lava Rock Ying Yang. I'm ultra marathon training and knew I would continue training while vacationing in Aruba. The cooling works!!

  • Nancy
    2 years ago

    Keep coming back to De Soto for more!

    I have this shirt in Entropy of Color and wore it for my first triathlon. I'm addicted to the sport and to De Soto! I came back and bought this in the Lava Rock Ying Yang. I'm ultra marathon training and knew I would continue training while vacationing in Aruba. The cooling works!!

  • Ellen Evans
    2 years ago

    Lightweight and comfortable

    I really like this jersey. The material is very soft and lightweight, so it is good for cycling in warm weather. The design has received many compliments. I also like how the closure at the top of the zipper is not as high as most other jerseys.

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Women Skin Cooler Full Zip and 400 Mile Cycling Short

    In the 20 plus years I have been riding no product compares to the Cycling tops and especially the cycling shorts, the 400 mile or the Triathlon Cycling shorts. No chafing whatsoever! Highly recommend these products, made of great fabrics comfortable to ride in for long distances. The products wash well and are durable for several years. And I love the bright and bold designs!

  • Kat Bukowy
    2 years ago

    A Mighty Top

    I originally ordered this in the size I thought would fit (medium), then panicked and talked to Customer Service who determined that given my larger shoulders and bust size a Large would fit me better. This top feels like absolutely nothing, it is that thin. I planned to use the top for Ironman Maryland and trained in NC heat and humidity for over a month. This top was AMAZING at keeping me cool and comfortable in all of my long (7 hours) rides when it got "Hotter than Hades" as my training buddy said. I overheated on a run in the blazing sun due to not having enough water, but being able to soak this top cooled me down quickly, exactly as I needed. Although I ordered a large, which was perfect for the ride and run, it was a bit "floaty" feeling on the swim. I had NO issues with jellyfish stinging me through the top (anywhere that was exposed, yes) since I didn't wear a wetsuit. I was worried that I might have some chafing from the full zipper, never a problem. I didn't even notice the zipper the top fit so well. I definitely recommend this top to anyone interested. I saw it more on men than women at my race, which surprised me a little. For all of it's "nothingness" it's definitely a mighty top and I'm glad I found it.

  • Hot Humid Triathlon Approved!
    Nancy R
    2 years ago

    Hot Humid Triathlon Approved!

    I bought this trisuit top for my 1st triathlon. I have to say customer support is great. I talked with someone via live chat and got fantastic feedback on sizing which meant a medium top and large bottoms. I also ordered a small which definitely fit the way it should, nice and snug, but I opted for the medium for just that little bit of extra room. Fyi, I'm 5'1' and 125lbs if that helps anyone. I am small up top and more weight in my thighs/hips and some belly. The tri was such a HOT day and this shirt was a life saver! It really does cool you down! My sweat was my best friend and helped with the cooling effect! My daughter also thinks I look like an action superhero which I definitely like for all the hard work I put in! Love the easy access pockets on the back! This gets worn weekly for training rides too. A must have!

  • Anonymous
    2 years ago

    Nothing new on race day….except this top.

    The full-zip top worked amazingly well! I bought it about 6 weeks before my first Ironman. I wanted to test it’s ability to keep you cool before I had my race in Iowa. Our Minnesota spring (my home) had other ideas. It was a cold, wet spring which didn’t allow me to try out the top in the heat. I took a chance and still wore it on race day, which was two weeks ago….a very sunny, warm and humid June day. I walked away with zero sunburn (the top protected me and I had sunscreen on my arms). I dumped water on myself during the hot run and the top did a great job keeping me feeling comfortable. No chafing or rubbing either. My brother had suggested this top (he’s raced many Ironmans and other tris in these tops) and I am so glad he did! It is worth the money!

  • Anonymous A. Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Best jersey for hot cycling days

    This fabric is magical. It makes such a difference on hot days. I tend to run hot anyway and this jersey is the only one that can help me keep my cool! Seriously, after a hot ride, if I touch my hand to my skin under my jersey on my stomach, my skin is cold. Amazing. This is the only jersey I wear in the summer. Love it!

  • Janel Mumme
    4 years ago

    made in usa

    love my shirt and all my kits. Especially since made in USA. come back with the red white and blue kits

  • skin cooler shirt has saved me from heat exhaustion more than once
    Barbara C.
    5 years ago

    skin cooler shirt has saved me from heat exhaustion more than once

    Awesome. I wear it every week now. I’m training for IM Whistler on July 28th which means I am training in the heat here in Texas. I now own 3 of your skin cooler tops and I love them! This past weekend I had the group of cyclists feel my stomach b/c it was cold when it was crazy hot outside. I’m amazed and so thankful I stumbled on these products!

  • Debbie V.
    6 years ago


    I absolutely love the look and feel of this top, unfortunately the weather in the UK is hindering the opportunity to get out and wear it! Can't wait for some warmer weather - one thing is for sure I am going to stand out in the crowd

  • TW
    6 years ago

    Love this fabric!

    I was skeptical that this fabric would perform as well as it does. It is very lightweight and thin and comfortable. It feels very soft on the skin. I rode hills on a 95 degree afternoon in high humidity. I was very surprised how much cooler I felt than with a regular jersey. I love this fabric. The 400 mile shorts are also great.

  • Sarah Goldenberg
    6 years ago


    I started doing triathlons last year and, being as fair skinned as I am, I had a hard time finding cute clothes that could keep up with my excessively sweaty tendencies and keep me protected from the sun. I've now worn my shirt for two tri seasons and couldn't be happier. From swim to bike to run I feel comfortable and protected.

  • Kelly K. Kelly
    6 years ago

    So comfortable!

    DeSoto Sport designers pay attention to the small details. The neckline doesn't choke while in aero position, the hem is long enough to cover your back, and the material is silky while keeping you COOL and comfortable during your ride! Love having 3 pockets on the back!

  • Kelly K. Kelly
    7 years ago

    The perfect top for training and racing

    The first thing I noticed, was how silky and cool the top felt when I tried it on. Test rode it during a 70-mile training ride and the back pockets held my cell phone and truck keys securely. Sizing chart put me at a small, which fits well. I have a long torso and probably would have benefited from the medium for additional jersey length while in aeroposition, but luckily the top doesn't ride up! Wore this jersey under a reflective vest during Alaskaman X-tri and was comfortable for the 112 miles bike. No zipper (or any other) chafing!!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Women's skin cooler tri top - short sleeve

    Great fitting, aero and cute. It does the job keeping me cool in sunny, steamy Florida heat. I highly recommend it. Thanks, De Soto Triathlon Sports for another great product.

  • Dee M. D. M. Dee M.
    7 years ago

    Silky soft!

    This jersey exceeded my expectation. Silky soft with light compression. The colors are fantastic and versatile. The zipper covers are perfect for folks like me with sensitive skin. Jersey does not ride up and has plenty of coverage in the back. Size runs slightly small. I'm a medium, flat chested and this is snug. I could do without the seam in the middle of the sleeve only because I can feel it. I'm weird about seams. Overall, very functional, stylish and comfy.

  • Sue Moote
    7 years ago

    Like racing naked

    Wore this tri-top for my 70.3 this past weekend. It was hot and extremely humid. The top fit well and moved with you--no binding, bunching or rubbing. Quite frankly, it felt almost like I had nothing on--no heat build up or anything. This was the first time I have raced in sleeves and was afraid that they would make me feel too hot on the run--but not at all-it was very nice having my shoulders covered to protect from the sun. This is definitely a keeper. Also got lots of comments on how cute it is:)

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